Southern Literature From 1579-1895. Louise Manly

Southern Literature From 1579-1895 - Louise Manly

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223 Francis Lister Hawks, 1798–1866 224 The First Indian Baptism in America 225 Virginia Dare, the First English Child Born in America 226 The Lost Colony of Roanoke 226 George Denison Prentice, 1802–1870 228 The Closing Year 228 Paragraphs 231 Edward Coate Pinkney, 1802–1828 231 A Health 232 Song: We Break the Glass 233 Charles Étienne Arthur Gayarré, 1805–1895 235 Louisiana in 1750–1770 236 The Tree of the Dead 240 Matthew Fontaine Maury, 1806–1873 243 The Gulf Stream 246 Deep-Sea Soundings 247 Heroic Death of Lieutenant Herndon 249 William Gilmore Simms, 1806–1870 252 Sonnet—The Poet’s Vision 255 The Doom of Occonestoga 255 Marion, the “Swamp-Fox” 262 Robert Edward Lee, 1807–1870 265 Duty—To His Son 266 Human Virtue—At the Surrender 266 His Last Order, 1865 266 Letter Accepting the Presidency of Washington College 268 Jefferson Davis, 1808–1889 269 Trip To Kentucky at Seven Years of Age, and Visit to General Jackson 271 Life of the President of the United States 272 Farewell to the Senate, 1861 274 Edgar Allan Poe, 1809–1849 276 To Helen 279 Israfel 279 Happiness 281 The Raven 281 Robert Toombs, 1810–1885 284 Farewell to the Senate, 1861 286 Octavia Walton Le Vert, 1810–1877 288 To Cadiz from Havanna, 1855 289 Louisa Susannah M’Cord, 1810–1880 291 Woman’s Duty 292 Joseph G. Baldwin, 1811–1864 294 Virginians in a New Country 294 Alexander Hamilton Stephens, 1812–1883 296 Laws of Government 297 Sketch in the Senate, 1850 298 True Courage 301 Alexander Beaufort Meek, 1814–1865 301 Red Eagle, or Weatherford 302 Philip Pendleton Cooke, 1816–1850 305 Florence Vane 305
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