Kinetic Theories of Gravitation. William Bower Taylor

Kinetic Theories of Gravitation - William Bower Taylor

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      The primal element collected and condensed at the center of each vortex forms a star or sun, though neither the cause nor the manner of such condensation is very clearly unfolded. This central mass agitated with intestine motions of extreme violence in all directions, as in a boiling caldron, produces an intense light and heat, while detached particles at the surface, continually more and more broken up by the frequency and impetuosity of their collisions, acquire a subtilty transcending all conception of the imagination, and are finally thrown off in all directions with explosive force to immense distances, and with the velocity known as that of radiant light. These infinitely small particles, forming the luminous "effluvias" incessantly springing from the sun in radial lines, pass without obstruction through the pores or interstices of the grosser matter forming the planets, though losing at their surface their luminiferous property.

      " In this manner we conceive there must continually descend from the heavens a copious and impetuous rain of pellets, driven inward by the shocks of molecules from surrounding vortices." This converging or centripetal shower of pellets, called the " central torrent," perpetually deluging the sun, forms the compensation and nourishment for its ceaseless waste, as the evaporated water condensing into raindrops replenishes the constant waste of the sea. These minute balls, having only the amount and direction of motion imparted to them at the boundaries of the vortex, are yet supposed to fall with mathematical precision toward the center of the sun without ever touching each other as they approach. Notwithstanding the efforts expended by the author in attempting to establish this necessity, this centripetal directness undoubtedly remains physically the weak point of his hypothesis.

      The particles of light radiated by very distant stars, having to run the gauntlet of all the intermediate stellar vortices, might be supposed to bo very much obstructed and reduced in number, if not in some cases entirely suppressed.

      Each planet and satellite has its subordinate vortex, in which the same play of impalpable effluvia and returning torrent is carried on; and although this is treated as a very obvious corollary of the system, it is one somewhat difficult to fully formulate or realize. Whether two independent masses of lead or iron also attract each other impulsively by virtue of their own special vortices, with atomized radiations and resulting central torrents, is not so definitely made out.

      It is scarcely necessary to criticise this wonderful system of "Celestial Physics." The condensation of the impalpable atoms of caloric, without adhesions and without attractions, (and seemingly without inertia,) into the dynamic gravific molecules of the "central torrent," is a phenomenon certainly as recondite as the gravitation these molecules are summoned to impel. It is sufficient to say that the Nouvelle Physique satisfies no single condition of the six formerly indicated as essential prerequisites. [217]

      1  Published in the Pieces de Prix de l'Academic de Paris, tom, v, and included in bis collected works under the title Essai d'une Nouvelle Physique Celeste.

      2  Johannia Bernoullii, Opera Omnia, A vols. 4to. Lausanne and Geneva, 1742; vol. iii, Sec. viii, pp. 270,271.

      3  Loco citat., sections x and xvi, pp. 273, 276.

      4  Loco citat., sectious xviii, six, pp.278, 279.

      5  Loco citat., sec. xxviii-xxxvi.

      6  Loco cital., sec. xxxvii-sl

      7  Loco citat.,sec. xlii, p. 299.

      8  The measurements of a meridional arc of the earth by James Casini, not long previously, had brought out the curious result that the polar axis of the earth is its longest diameter. — Tralté de la Grandeur et de la Figure de la Terre. Paris, 1720.

      9  Opera :

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