Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan. Combat Studies Institute
D-Day ANACONDA From the Viewpoint of Force Multipliers
Joining the Fight on Takur Ghar
Establishing CJSOTF-Afghanistan
High Desert Automation Management
“Good Morrrrning, Afghannnnistan”
A Disaster Provides a Catalyst
CJSOTF-Afghanistan and the Joint Air Component
CJSOTF-Afghanistan and “Zulu Time”
Rebuilding the Kabul Military Academy
Another View of the Kabul Military Academy Task
“Chiclets” and PSYOP Teams in Kandahar
Dealing With Cryptographic Compromise
Vietnam-Style A Camp at Orgun-e
A National Army for Afghanistan
Driving the Taliban From Power: ARSOF in the Supported Role
Transition and Combat Operations
The CJSOTF-Afghanistan Era Begins
Weapon of Choice is a history of the Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America’s global war on terrorism (GWOT). Lieutenant General R. Doug Brown, commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC), directed and personally sponsored this initial effort “to capture the current operations history of the Army special operations soldiers as they fought the war in Afghanistan.” Writing an unclassified, well-documented history of current operations was a first for the command and staff of USASOC as well as for the supported headquarters, U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM); U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM); Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC); and Special Operations Command, CENTCOM (SOCCENT). The “learning curve” was steep for all parties, but the final results—a special edition of Special Warfare magazine, “ARSOF in Afghanistan,” and this book, Weapon of Choice—demonstrate what can be accomplished.
Appropriate thanks are due a myriad of people whose encouragement, assistance “above and beyond,” and constant support made this timely history possible. Within the USASOC history community are Dr. Cherilyn Walley, USASOC historian, and Dr. Kenn Finlayson, U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS) historian, who read, commented on, and edited Weapon of Choice and who proofread the final manuscript; Mr. Earl J. Moniz, resident “computer wizard,” who physically organized and compiled all of the written material into a manuscript, scanned photographs and leaflets into the text, and designed the cover for Weapon of Choice; LTC Robert Jones, a mobilized U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) historian, who “commanded” and tended to the administrative needs of the 126th and 45th Military History Detachments (MHDs), facilitating the 126th’s overseas deployment and personally coordinating their activities in Afghanistan; Ms. Monet McKinzie, archives technician, who performed innumerable administrative tasks to assist the historians; Ms. Cyn Hayden, USASOC archivist, who helped the contract historians; and Mr. Erdie Picart, archives technician, who ensured the physical security of classified material; the 126th MHD, Army National Guard (ARNG), Boston, Massachusetts—MAJ Paul Landry, SFC Daniel Moriarty, SSG Patrick Jennings, and SGT Landon Mavrelis—for covering civil affairs (CA) activities during Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF), Afghanistan; and the USAR