Coronation Rites. Reginald Maxwell Woolley
I. Eastern Rites.
1. Constantinople.
Codinus Curopalates. De officiis Constantinopolitanis. (Bonn, 1839.)
Constantinus Porphyrogenitus. De caerimoniis aulae Byzantinae. (Bonn, 1829.)
Goar, J. Euchologion. (Paris, 1647.)
Theophanes. Chronographia. (Bonn, 1839.)
2. Russia.
Maltzew, A. Die heilige Krönung. In Bitt-Dank- und Weihe-Gottesdienste der orthodox-katholischen Kirche des Morgenlandes. (Berlin, 1897.)
Metallinos, E. Imperial and Royal Coronation. (London, 1902.)
3. Abyssinia.
Lobo, Jeronymo. Voyage Historique d’Abissinie, Traduite du Portugais, continuée et augmentée de plusieurs Dissertations, Lettres, et Mémoires. Par M. Le Grand, Prieur de Neuville-les-Dames et de Prevessin. (Paris, MDCCXXVIII.)
Tellez, Balthasar. The Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia translated into English. (London, 1710.)
II. Western Rites.
1. The Imperial Rite.
Duchesne, L. Liber Pontificalis. 2 vols. (Paris, 1886–92.)
Hittorp, Melchior. De divinis Catholicae Ecclesiae officiis. Paris, 1610.
Mabillon, J. Museum Italicum, 2 vols. (Paris, 1687–9.) For Ordines Romani, see also Migne, P.L. LXXVIII.
Martène, E. De antiquis ecclesiae ritibus. (Antwerp, 1763.)
(The first edition of this work published in 1702 does not contain all the documents which are found in the editions of 1736 onwards.)
Panvinius and Beuther. Inauguratio, Coronatio, Electioque aliquot Imperatorum, etc. (Hanover, 1612.)
Pertz, G. H. Monumenta Germaniae Historica. (Hanover, 1826.)
Pontificale Romanum. (Venice, 1520.)
Pontificale Romanum Clementis VIII et Urbani PP. VIII auctoritate recognitum. (Louvain, n.d. Other edd., Paris, 1664, Rome, 1738–40.)
Waitz, G. Die Formeln der deutschen Königs- und der römischen Kaiser-Krönung. (Göttingen, 1872.)
2. The Coronation of a King.
(a) England.
Greenwell, W. The Pontifical of Egbert Archbishop of York. (Surtees Soc., vol. XXVII. 1853.)
Wickham Legg, J. Missale ad usum Ecclesiae Westmonasteriensis, vols. II. and III. (H.B.S., 1893–6.)
Wickham Legg, J. Three Coronation Orders. (H.B.S., 1900.)
Wickham Legg, J. The Order of the Coronation of King James I. (Russell Press, London, 1902.)
Wickham Legg, L. G. English Coronation Records. (Westminster, 1901.)
Wordsworth, Chr. The Manner of the Coronation of King Charles I of England. (H.B.S., 1892.)
The Form and Order of the Service that is to be performed and of the Ceremonies that are to be observed in the Coronation of Their Majesties King Edward VII and Queen Alexander in the Abbey Church of S. Peter, Westminster, on Thursday, the 26th day of June, 1902. (Cambridge, 1902.)
The Form and Order of the Service that is to be performed and of the Ceremonies that are to be observed in the Coronation of Their Majesties King George V and Queen Mary in the Abbey Church of S. Peter, Westminster, on Thursday, the 22nd day of June, 1911. (Oxford, 1911.)
(b) France.
Ménard, H. D. Gregorii Papae I. Liber Sacramentorum. Paris, 1642. (Reprinted in Migne, P.L. LXXVIII.)
Dewick, E. S. The Coronation Book of Charles V of France. (H.B.S., 1899.)
Francorum Regum Capitularia, in Migne, P.L. CXXXVIII.
Godefroy, T. Le Cérémonial François. (Paris, MDCXLIX.)
Martène, op. cit.
Masson, F. Le sacre et le couronnement de Napoléon. (Paris, 1908.)
Procès-Verbal de la Cérémonie du Sacre et du Couronnement de LL. MM. L’Empereur Napoléon et L’Impératrice Joséphine. (Paris, An XIII. = 1805.)
(c) Rome.
Hittorp, op. cit.
Martène, op. cit.
Mabillon, op. cit.
Pontificale Romanum.
(d) Milan.
Magistretti, M. Pontificale in usum eccles. Mediolanensis necnon Ordines Ambrosiani. (Milan, 1897.)
Pertz, op. cit.
(e) Germany.
Pertz, op. cit.
Martène, op. cit.
(f) Hungary.
Martène, op. cit.
Panvinius and Beuther, op. cit.