Things to Know About Trade-Marks: A Manual of Trade-Mark Information. J. Walter Thompson Company
goods not of our manufacture, under the Kodak name, you can be sure that he has an inferior article that he is trying to market on the Kodak reputation.
If it isn't an Eastman, it isn't a Kodak.
ROCHESTER, N. Y., The Kodak City.
Special advertising to counteract the indiscriminate use of the word "Kodak."
It is easier to say Kodak than it is to say "portable camera". There is a real need in the language for such a word, and "Kodak" has come to supply it.
Trade-marks of this character, which seem to supply a genuine linguistic need, are, in a sense, too good. The indiscriminate application of "Kodak" to a certain class of cameras, irrespective of origin, has caused the Eastman Kodak Company to publish many advertisements with the special purpose of calling attention to the correct use of the word.
The word "O'Sullivan" is another instance of a trade-name acquiring a secondary meaning through advertising. It instantly brings to mind the thought of rubber heels. In a popular play an actor says, "I got away from there on my O'Sullivan's" and every one in the audience knows that he means to say that he left as quietly as he could.
There comes a time, in the history of every manufacturer who advertises extensively and successfully for a long period, when his trade-mark, and the name of his product (in many cases they are the same), become by-words of common speech, known to all men, and incorporated into our fluid and elastic language. When an advertiser reaches this point, he has generally attained the highest possible advertising success. In other words, advertising has done for him all it can do, and he has only to keep the stream of advertising going to hold what he has.
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