Tales of the Old West: B. M. Bower Collection - 45 Titles in One Volume (Illustrated Edition). B. M. Bower
on the ranch, and I don’t say I’m boss of the ranch yet. I do what they tell me, even when I know there ain’t any sense in it. I humor Doctor Dell a whole lot!” Could he never get that look off Luck’s face? The Kid searched his soul anxiously. You couldn’t go on arguing with that kind of a look; it made you feel like you’d been stealing sheep. “Oh, well, if you won’t talk to a feller—” The Kid did not turn away quite soon enough to hide the quiver of his lips. Luck reached out and took a small, grimy hand and pulled the Kid nearer; near enough so that his arm could go around the Kid’s quivering body. He held him close, and the Kid did not struggle. He dropped his face against Luck’s shoulder, and began to fight back his tears.
“Listen, pardner,” said Luck softly, one hand caressing the Kid’s cheek. “You and I ought to sabe each other better than most folks, because we’re pals. Now, I want you to go with me a heap more than you want to go; just tuck that away in your mind where you won’t lose it. I want you, but I wouldn’t have you without Doctor Dell’s free and willing consent. I need you for my pal; and I could teach you a lot that would be useful to you. But they need you a whole lot worse than I do. They’ve been taking care of you and loving you and planning for you all these eight years, just watching you grow, and being proud of you because you’re what they want you to be: husky and healthy and good all the way through. You couldn’t go off and leave them now; it wouldn’t be right. And, pard, you need them even worse than they need you. I know,—because I had to grow up without any one to love me and look after me; and believe me, old pal, it isn’t any cinch. It’s just pure luck that I didn’t get killed off or go bad. Now, I’d be good to you, if I had you with me, and so would the boys; but we couldn’t take the place of Doctor Dell and Daddy Chip.
“I’ve talked pictures too much to you. I didn’t know how it was hitting you, or how much you wanted to go. But listen. If I had the chance you’ve got here,—if I had a ranch like this, and cattle, and horses, and a father and mother and uncle like you’ve got,—I never would look a camera in the eye again as long as I live. That’s straight, old-timer. Why, I’m working my head off trying to get enough ahead so that I can have a ranch of my own! So I can slap a saddle on a horse that carries my brand, and ride out after my cattle, and haze them into my corral; so I can have a home that is mine. I never did have one, pardner,—not since I was a heap smaller than you are now,—and a home of his own is what every man wants most, down deep in his heart.
“It looks fine to be traveling around, and making moving pictures. It is fine if you are cut out for that kind of work, and have got to be working for somebody else to get your start. But remember, pard, I am working and scheming and planning to get just what you’ve got already. You, a kid eight years old, stand right where I’d give all I’ve got to stand. You’ll own your own ranch and your own home. You’ve got folks that love you—not because you hand out the pay envelope on a certain day of the week, but because you belong to them, and they belong to you. Kid, I’m thirty-two years old—and I’ve never known what that felt like. I have never known what it was like to have some one plan for me and with me, unless they were paid for it.”
The Kid stood very still. “You could live here,” he lifted his head to say gravely after a little silence that was full of thought. “This can be your home. You can be one of the Happy Family. We’d like to have you.”
There was something queer in Luck’s voice when he murmured a reply. There was something in his face which no one but the Kid had ever seen. The Kid’s arm crept around Luck’s neck, and tightened there and stayed. Luck’s hand went up to the curls and hovered there caressingly. And they talked, in tones lowered to the cadence of deep-hidden hopes and longings revealed in sacred confidence.
The Little Doctor, shamelessly eavesdropping because she was a mother fighting for her fledgling, tiptoed away from the corner of the stack, and went back to the house, wiping her eyes frequently with the corner of her handkerchief that was not embroidered. She went into her room and stayed there a long while, and before she came out she had recourse to rosewater and talcum and other first aids to swollen eyelids.
Whatever she may have thought, whatever she may have overheard beyond what has been recorded, her manner toward Luck was so unobtrusively tender that Chip looked at her once or twice with a puzzled, husbandly frown. Also, the Kid felt something special in his Doctor Dell’s good-night kiss; something he did not understand at all, since he had not yet told her that he was going to be a good boy and stay at home and take care of her and the ranch.
Chapter Five. A Bunch of One-Reelers from Bently Brown
The Manager of the Acme Film Company cleared his throat with a rasping noise that sounded very loud, coming as it did after fifteen minutes of complete silence. Luck, smoking a cigarette absent-mindedly by the window while he stared out across two vacant lots to a tawdry apartment house,—and saw a sage-covered plain instead of what was before his eyes,—started from his daydream and glanced at Martinson inquiringly. “Well, what do you think of it?” he asked.
Martinson cleared his throat again, and shuffled the typed sheets in his hands. “Seems to lack action, don’t it?” he hazarded reluctantly. “Of course, this is a rough draft; I realize that. I suppose you’ll strengthen up the plot, later on. Chance for some good cattle-stealing complications, I should think. But I’d boil it down to two reels, Luck, if I were you. There’s a lot of atmosphere you couldn’t get, anyway—”
“I can get every foot of that atmosphere,” Luck put in crisply.
“Oh, I suppose—but you don’t want that much. Too expensive, where it doesn’t carry the action along. I’d put in some dance-hall scenes; you haven’t enough interiors. Make your lead a victim of card sharps, why don’t you, and have his sister come there after him? You could get some great dramatic action—have her meet the heavy there—”
“After the tried-and-tested recipe. Sure, Mart! We can take the middle out of that Her-Brother’s-Honor film and use that; and if you’re afraid the public may recognize it, we’ll run it backwards. Or we can mix it with some Western-Girl’s-Romance film, or take—”
“Now, Luck, wait a minute. Wait-a-minute!” Martinson’s hand went up in the approved gesture of stopping another’s speech. “You can give it an original twist. You know you can; you always have.”
Luck swore, accustomed though he was to the makeshifts of the business. The street cars had stopped running the night before, while he was still hammering that scenario out on the typewriter; the street cars had stopped running, and the steam heat had been turned off in the hotel where he lived, and he had finished with an old Mexican serape draped about his person for warmth. But his enthusiasm had not cooled, though his room grew chill. He had gone to bed when the typing was done, and had dreamed scene after scene vividly while he slept. Still glowing with the pride of creation, he had read the script while his breakfast coffee had cooled, and he had been the first man in the office, so eager was he to share his secret and see Martinson’s eyes gleam with impatience to have the story filmed.
Knowing this, you will know also why he swore. Martinson thrust out his under lip at the oath, and tossed the script neatly into the clear space on the desk. “Oh, if that’s the way you feel about it!” His tone was trenchant. “Sorry I offered any suggestions. There are some good bits, if they’re worked up right, and I naturally supposed you wanted my opinion.”
“I did. I never saw you square up to anything but the same old dime-novel West before. I wanted to see how it would hit you.”
“Well, it don’t.” Martinson waited a minute while that sunk in. When he spoke again, his manner was that of a man who has dismissed a disagreeable subject, and has taken up important business.
“We’ve made quite a haul since you left. A bunch of one-reelers from Bently Brown. You’ll eat ‘em up, Luck,—all those stories of his featuring the adventures of the XY cowboys. You’ve read ‘em; everybody has, according to him. They’ll be