Turkish Literature; Comprising Fables, Belles-lettres, and Sacred Traditions. Anonymous

Turkish Literature; Comprising Fables, Belles-lettres, and Sacred Traditions - Anonymous

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107 Gazel 108 From the King and the Beggar 108 Gazel 109 Qaīsda 109 Gazel 112 Gazel 113 Gazel 113 Gazel 114 Gazel 114 Gazel 115 On Autumn 115 Gazel 116 Gazel 116 Gazel 116 Gazel 117 Elegy on Sultan Suleymān I. 118 Gazel 122 Gazel 122 Gazel 123 Museddes 123 Gazel 125 To Sultan Murād IV. 125 In Reply to the Preceding 126 Lugaz 127 Sachli Zemān 127 Jihān Bānū 127 Lā’l Para 128 Āq-Ālem 128 Museddes 128 Gazel 130 Munājāt 130 Mukhammes 131 Gazel 133 Munājāt 133 Gazel 134 Farewell Poem 135 Gazel 136 Gazel 137 Gazel 137 On a Dancing-Girl 138 Gazel 139 Fragment 139 Gazel 140 Gazel 140 The Song of Love’s Nurse 141 Love’s Song 142 Gazel 143 Museddes 144 Gazel 145 Gazel 146 Gazel 146 Description of Circassian Women 147 Description of Greek Women 147 Defeat of the French in Egypt 149 Sharqī 152 Sharqī 153 Gazel 154 Gazel 154 Gazel 155 On the Death of ‘Andelīb Khānim 156 Takhmīs 157 Sharqī
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