Rustic Speech and Folk-Lore. Elizabeth Mary Wright

Rustic Speech and Folk-Lore - Elizabeth Mary Wright

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considerably enlarged. E.D.S. 1889.

      Promptorium Parvulorum sive Clericorum, Lexicon Anglo-Latinum princeps, auctore fratre Galfrido Grammatico dicto, e predicatoribus Lenne episcopi, Northfolciensi, A.D. circa 1440. Camden Society, 1843–65.

      Robertson, J. Drummond.—A Glossary of Dialect and Archaic Words used in the County of Gloucester. Ed. by Lord Moreton. E.D.S. 1890.

      Robinson, C. Clough.—A Glossary of Words pertaining to the dialect of Mid-Yorkshire; with others peculiar to Lower Nidderdale. E.D.S. 1876.

      —— The Dialect of Leeds and its neighbourhood. London, 1862.

      Robinson, F. K.—A Glossary of Words used in the neighbourhood of Whitby. E.D.S. 1876.

      Rye, Walter.—A Glossary of Words used in East Anglia. Founded on that of Forby. With numerous corrections and additions. E.D.S. 1895.

      Taylor, Francis Edward.—The Folk-Speech of South Lancashire: a glossary of words which are, or have been during the last hundred years, in common use in that portion of the County Palatine situate between Bolton and Manchester. Manchester, 1901.

      Tusser, Thomas.—Five Hundred Pointes of Good Husbandrie. The ed. of 1580 collated with those of 1573 and 1577. Together with A Hundreth Good Pointes of Husbandrie, 1557. Ed. W. Payne and S. J. H. Herrtage. E.D.S. 1878.

      Wright, Joseph.—The English Dialect Grammar. 1905.

       Table of Contents

Bck. = Bucks.
Bdf. = Bedford.
Bnff. = Banff.
Brks. = Berks.
Chs. = Cheshire.
Cmb. = Cambridge.
Cor. = Cornwall.
Cth. = Carmarthen.
Cum. = Cumberland.
Cy. = country.
Der. = Derby.
Dev. = Devon.
Dnb. = Denbigh.
Dor. = Dorset.
Dur. = Durham.
e.An. = East Anglia.
Ess. = Essex.
Glo. = Gloucester.
Hmp. = Hampshire.
Hnt. = Huntingdon.
Hrf. = Hereford.
Hrt. = Hertford.
I.Ma. = Isle of Man.
Irel. = Ireland.
I.W. = Isle of Wight.
Ken. = Kent.
Lakel. = Lakeland.
Lan. = Lancashire.
Lei. = Leicester.
Lin. = Lincoln.
lit. = literary.
M.E. = Middle English.
Mid. = Middlesex.
Midl. = Midlands.
Nhb. = Northumberland.
Nhp. = Northampton.
Not. = Nottingham.
Nrf. = Norfolk.
O.E. = Old English.
O.N. = Old Norse.
Or.I. = Orkney Isles.
Oxf. = Oxford.
Pem. = Pembroke.
Rut. = Rutland.
Sc. = Scotland.
Sh.I. = Shetland Isles.
Shr. = Shropshire.
Som. = Somerset.
Stf. = Stafford.
Suf. = Suffolk.
Sur. = Surrey.
Sus. = Sussex.
Wal. = Wales.
War. = Warwick.
Wil. = Wiltshire.
Wm. = Westmorland.
Wor. = Worcester.
Yks. = Yorks.

      The asterisk * prefixed to a word denotes a theoretical form.

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