The Waterloo Roll Call. Charles Dalton

The Waterloo Roll Call - Charles Dalton

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Anne of Russia. Exchanged into 23rd Light Dgns. and served as A.D.C. to Gen. Lord Combermere at the siege of Bhurtpore. D. at Mullye, 6th Aug., 1828, as col. on staff. His widow d. 22nd Nov., 1860.

      5. Quitted the service 14th Dec., 1815.

      6. Promoted capt. 18th June, 1815. H. p. 13th Oct., 1825. Living in 1847.

      7. Promoted capt. 14th Dec., 1815. Out of the regt. before 1824.

      8. Promoted lieut. 5th June, 1815. Lieut. in the 55th Foot, 24th Oct., 1822. Capt. 24th Dec., 1825. H. p. same date.

      9. Afterwards Capt. Samuel Fortnam Cox, of Sandford Park, Oxfordshire. M., 1820, Mary Emily, dau. of Sir Robert Sheffield, Bart. R. h. p. 1829. D. 22nd Nov., 1849.

      10. This officer had been taken prisoner during the preceding war, and been kept a prisoner for seven years at Verdun, in France. In the first charge made by the Life Guards at Waterloo, Lt. Story was in the act of raising his sword to cut down a French soldier, when the latter suddenly threw down his firelock and thus accosted him: “Monsieur, ne me tuez pas; je vous connois à Verdun; sauvez-moi la vie en grâce!” Story immediately recognised the speaker, and not only spared the French soldier’s life, but likewise that of his comrade—also from Verdun—and sent them as prisoners to the rear. In May, 1815, Story obtained permission from the Prince Regent to accept and wear the Russian Order of St. Vladimir of the 4th class. Retired about 1825, and d. at Maidenhead 20th Feb., 1828.

      11. Retd. on f. p. in 1828. D. in Dec., 1849.

      12. Retd. on h. p. 25th Dec., 1818. Living in 1830.

      13. Serving in 1816. Out of the regt. in 1817.

      14. Serving in 1817. Out of the regt. in 1818.

       Table of Contents

      (2 Squadrons.)

Rank in the
Hon. Edward P. Lygon27Apr.1815
William Boyce30Apr.1812Maj., 4 June, 1814
Richard Fitzgerald, K.18May,1812Lt.-Col., 4 June, 1814
Hon. Henry Edw. Irby22Sept.18127 Aug. 1806
James P.M. Kenyon23Sept.1812
Richard Meares23Sept.180210 Mar. 1808
William Elliott27Nov.1802
Samuel Waymouth, W.28Mar.1813
Chum. (sic) Barton30Jan.1814
Abraham Kenyon24June,1813
Thomas Marten22Nov.1813
Alexander McInnes16June,1814
Josiah Clues, Adjt.12Apr.1815
—— Bradley, K.
—— Beamond, K.
Samuel Broughton22Sept.1812
Thomas Drinkwater22Sept.1812
Jeremiah Field24Apr.1813
Scarlet. Facings blue. Lace gold.

      1. 4th son of Edward Lygon, of Worcester (who was created Baron and Earl Beauchamp), by Catherine, only dau. of James Dennis. For his forward gallantry at Waterloo was made C.B. and a K. St. V. of Russia. Was aftds. Inspector-gen. of cavalry. Gen. and Col.-in-Chf. 13th Lt. Dgns. D. 11th Nov., 1860.

      2. Placed on h. p. 24th April, 1817.

      3. 4th and only surviving son of—Fitzgerald, of the County Clare. Was for ten years detained in France with others of his family. Returned to England 1812, and purchased a troop in the 2nd Life Guards. Served in the Pa. Shot whilst gallantly leading his squadron against the enemy. Buried at Waterloo. M.I. in church there. His widow brought out a coffin to remove his remains to England; but it proved too short, and the body was re-interred. His will, dated at Paris, 30th Nov., 1810, was proved by his sister, Catherine, 3rd Aug., 1815. His widow (Georgina Isabella Sinclair) resigned her pension in favour of her husband’s three sisters.

      4. Son of 2nd Baron Boston. Bt.-maj. for Waterloo. Was taken prisoner as his horse fell in returning from the charge, but escaped soon afterwards. Retd. as lt.-col., and died at Calais, 1821.

      5. Placed on h. p. 10th Oct., 1816. M., Sept., 1817, Julia, only dau. of Gen. Rainsford, and had issue. His name does not appear in the Kenyon pedigree given in Foster’s Lancashire Families. D. at Brandon, 20th Jan., 1830, aged 45.

      6. Placed on h. p. as capt. 24th Dec., 1818.

      7. Promoted capt. 14th April, 1818. Appointed capt. in the 17th Foot 20th Jan., 1821. Serving in 1824. Out of said regt. before 1830.

      8. Severely wounded and taken prisoner in a charge against the French cuirassiers. Lieut. in 88th Foot, 13th Oct., 1825; h. p. in Dec., 1825. Capt. in 30th Foot, 8th Feb., 1839. Retd. in 1741 as lt.-col. unattached. D. as col. 26th Dec., 1863.

      9. Chambré Brabazon Barton. 2nd son of Thos. Barton of Grove, M.P. for Fethard before the Union. Capt. 1818. Lt.-col. h. p. 1825. D. 1834.

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