Lightning Conductors. F.C.S. Richard Anderson
Buildings and Shipping against Lightning. 8vo. London, 1843.
Harris (Sir William Snow). A Treatise on Frictional Electricity. Edited by Charles Tomlinson. 8vo. London, 1867.
Helfenzrieder (J.) Verbesserung der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Eichstädt, 1783.
Hemmer (J. J.) Kurzer Begriff und Nutzen der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Mannheim, 1783.
Hemmer (J. J.) Anleitung Wasserableiter an allen Gattungen vor Gebäuden auf die sicherste Art anzulegen. 8vo. Frankfurt, 1786.
Henley (William). Experiments concerning the Different Efficacy of Pointed and Blunt Rocks in securing Buildings against the Stroke of Lightning. 8vo. London, 1774.
Holtz (Dr. W.) Ueber die Theorie, die Anlage und die Prüfung der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Greifswald, 1878.
Imhof (M. von). Theoretisch-practische Anweisung zur Anlegung zweckmässiger Blitzableiter. 8vo. München, 1816.
Ingenhousz (Dr. Johan). New Experiments and Observations concerning Various Subjects. 8vo. London, 1779.
Klein (Hermann J.) Das Gewitter und die dasselbe begleitenden Erscheinungen. 8vo. Graz, 1871.
Kuhn (Carl). Handbuch der angewandten Elektricitätslehre. Part I. Ueber Blitzableiter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866.
Landriani (M.) Dell’ Utilità di Conduttori elettrici. 4to. Milano, 1785.
Lapostolle (M.) Traité des Parafoudres et des Paragrêles. 8vo. Amiens, 1820.
Lenz (Heinrich F. E.) Handbuch der Physik. 2 vols., 8vo. Petersburg, 1864.
Lichtenberg (G. Ch.) Neueste Geschichte der Blitzableiter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1803.
Lutz (F.) Unterricht vom Blitze und Wetterableitern. 8vo. Nürnberg, 1783.
Maffei (F. S.) Delle Formazione dei Fulmini. 4to. Verona, 1747.
Mahon (Lord). Principles of Electricity. 4to. Elmsly, 1780.
Marum (M. van). Verhandeling over hat Electrizeeren. 8vo. Groningen, 1776.
Melsens (M.) Notes sur les Paratonnerres, in ‘Bulletins de l’Académie Royale de Belgique.’ 8vo. Bruxelles, 1874–78.
Melsens (M.) Des Paratonnerres. 4to. Bruxelles, 1877.
Meurer (Heinrich). Abhandlung von dem Blitze und den Verwahrungsmitteln gegen denselben. 4to. Trier, 1791.
Murray (N.) Treatise on Atmospheric Electricity, including Observations on Lightning Rods. 8vo. London, 1828.
Newall (R. S.) Lightning Conductors: their use as protectors of buildings, and how to apply them. 8vo. London, 1876.
Noad (Henry M.) Lectures on Electricity. 8vo. London, 1849.
Noad (Henry M.) A Manual of Electricity. 8vo. London, 1855.
Nollet (Abbé J. A.) Leçons de Physique expérimentale. 6 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1743.
Nollet (Abbé J. A.) Recherches sur les Causes particulières des Phénomènes électriques. 8vo. Paris, 1749.
Ohm (Georg Simon). Bestimmung des Gesetzes nach welchem die Metalle die Contact-Electricität leiten. 8vo. Nürnberg, 1826.
Parton (James). Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo. New York, 1864.
Phin (John). Plain Directions for the Construction of Lightning Rods. 8vo. New York, 1873.
Plieninger (Dr. P.) Ueber die Blitzableiter. 8vo. Stuttgart, 1835.
Poncelet (Abbé M.) La Nature dans la Formation du Tonnerre. 8vo. Paris, 1766.
Pouillet (Claude S. M.) Eléments de Physique expérimentale et de Météorologie. 7th edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1856.
Praibsch (Christian). Ueber Blitzableiter, deren Nutzbarkeit und Anlegung. 8vo. Zittau und Leipzig, 1830.
Preece (W. H.) On Lightning and Lightning Conductors, in ‘Journal of the Society of Telegraph Engineers.’ 8vo. London, 1873.
Priestley (Dr. Joseph). The History and Present State of Electricity. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1775.
Reimarus (J. A. H.) Vom Blitze. 8vo. Hamburg, 1778.
Reimarus (J. A. H.) Ausführliche Vorschriften zur Blitz-Ableitung an allerlei Gebäuden. 8vo. Hamburg, 1794.
Roberts (M.) On Lightning Conductors, particularly as applied to Vessels. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1837.
Rowell (G. A.) An Essay on the Cause of Rain and its Allied Phenomena. 8vo. Oxford, 1859.
Saussure (H. B. de). Manifeste, en exposition abrégée, de l’Utilité des Conducteurs électriques. 8vo. Genève, 1771.
Sigaud de la Fond (M.) Précis historique et expérimental des Phénomènes électriques. 2nd edition, 8vo. Paris, 1785.
Singer (George John). Elements of Electricity. 8vo. London, 1814.
Spang (Henry W.) A Practical Treatise on Lightning Protection. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1877.
Sparks (Jared). The Works of Benjamin Franklin; with Notes and a Life of the Author. 10 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1840.
Sprague (John F.) Electricity: its Theory, Sources, and Applications. 8vo. London, 1875.
Stricker (Dr. Wilhelm). Der Blitz und seine Wirkungen. 8vo. Berlin, 1872.
Sturgeon (William). Lectures on Electricity. 8vo. London, 1842.
Tavernier (A. de). Blitzableiter, genannt Anti-Jupiter. 8vo. Leipzig, 1833.
Tinan (Barbier de). Mémoires sur les Conducteurs pour préserver les Edifices de la Foudre. 8vo. Strasbourg, 1779.
Toaldo (Giuseppe). Della Maniera di defendere gli Edifizii dal Fulmine. 8vo. Firenze, 1770.
Toaldo (Giuseppe). Dei Conduttori per preservare gli Edifizii da Fulmine. 4to. Venezia, 1778.
Tomlinson (Charles). The Thunderstorm. 8vo. London, 1859.
Tyndall (John). Notes on Electrical Phenomena. New edition, 8vo. London, 1876.
Veratti (J.) Dissertatione de Electricitati cœlesti. 8vo. Bologna, 1755.
Weber (F. A.) Abhandlung von Gewitter und Gewitterableiter. 8vo. Zürich, 1792.
Wharton (W. L.) The Effect of a Lightning Stroke. 8vo. London, 1841.
Wilson (Robert). Boiler and Factory Chimneys; with a chapter on Lightning Conductors. 8vo. London, 1877.
Winckler (Prof. J. H.) Gedanken von den Eigenschaften, Wirkungen und Ursachen der Elektricität. 8vo. Leipzig, 1744.
Yelin (J. C. von). Ueber die Blitzableiter aus Messingdrahtstricken. 8vo. München, 1824.
‘First let me talk with this philosopher: What is the cause of thunder?’ asks Shakspeare in ‘King Lear’ but without giving a reply. The ‘philosopher’ of Shakspeare’s days had no answer to make; nor had any others long after. From the dawn of history till within comparatively modern times, thunder and lightning were mysteries to the human mind; nor did there exist so much as a surmise that there might be any connection between them and the equally mysterious agent called electricity. The latter force