Sound. John Tyndall

Sound - John Tyndall

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be driven after a″ by a force equal to the difference of the two elasticities between a″ and b″ and between b″ and c″. The same remark applies to the motion of c″ after b″, to that of d″ after c″, in fact, to the motion of each succeeding particle when it follows its predecessor. The greater the difference of elasticity on the two sides of any particle the more promptly will it follow its predecessor. And here observe what the cold of rarefaction accomplishes. In addition to the diminution of the elastic force between a″ and b″ by the withdrawal of a″ to a greater distance, there is a further diminution due to the lowering of the temperature. The cold developed augments the difference of elastic force on which the propagation of the rarefaction depends. Thus we see that because the heat developed in the condensation augments the rapidity of the condensation, and because the cold developed in the rarefaction augments the rapidity of the rarefaction, the sonorous wave, which consists of a condensation and a rarefaction, must have its velocity augmented by the heat and the cold which it develops during its own progress.

      It is worth while fixing your attention here upon the fact that the distance a′ o′, to which the motion has been propagated while a is moving to the position a′, may be vastly greater than that passed over in the same time by the particle itself. The excursion of a′ may not be more than a small fraction of an inch, while the distance to which the motion is transferred during the time required by a′ to perform this small excursion may be many feet, or even many yards. If this point should not appear altogether plain to you now, it will appear so by and by.

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      Having grasped this, even partially, I will ask you to accompany me to a remote corner of the domain of physics, with the view, however, of showing that remoteness does not imply discontinuity. Let a certain quantity of air at a temperature of 0°, contained in a perfectly inexpansible vessel, have its temperature raised 1°. Let the same quantity of air, placed in a vessel which permits the air to expand when it is heated—the pressure on the air being kept constant during its expansion—also have its temperature raised 1°. The quantities of heat employed in the two cases are different. The one quantity expresses what is called the specific heat of air at constant volume; the other the specific heat of air at constant pressure.21 It is an instance of the manner in which apparently unrelated natural phenomena are bound together, that from the calculated and observed velocities of sound in air we can deduce the ratio of these two specific heats. Squaring Newton’s theoretic velocity and the observed velocity, and dividing the greater square by the less, we obtain the ratio referred to. Calling the specific heat at constant volume Cv, and that at constant pressure Cp; calling, moreover, Newton’s calculated velocity V, and the observed velocity V′, Laplace proved that—


      Inserting the values of V and V′ in this equation, and making the calculation, we find—


      Thus, without knowing either the specific heat at constant volume or at constant pressure, Laplace found the ratio of the greater of them to the less to be 1·42. It is evident from the foregoing formulæ that the calculated velocity of sound, multiplied by the square root of this ratio, gives the observed velocity.

      But there is one assumption connected with the determination of this ratio, which must be here brought clearly forth. It is assumed that the heat developed by compression remains in the condensed portion of the wave, and applies itself there to augment the elasticity; that no portion of it is lost by radiation. If air were a powerful radiator, this assumption could not stand. The heat developed in the condensation could not then remain in the condensation. It would radiate all round, lodging itself for the most part in the chilled and rarefied portion of the wave, which would be gifted with a proportionate power of absorption. Hence the direct tendency of radiation would be to equalize the temperatures of the different parts of the wave, and thus to abolish the increase of velocity which called forth Laplace’s correction.22

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      The question, then, of the correctness of this ratio involves the other and apparently incongruous question, whether atmospheric air possesses any sensible radiative power. If the ratio be correct, the practical absence of radiative power on the part of air is demonstrated. How then are we to ascertain whether the ratio is correct or not? By a process of reasoning which illustrates still further how natural agencies are intertwined. It was this ratio, looked at by a man of genius, named Mayer, which helped him to a clearer and a grander conception of the relation and interaction of the forces of inorganic and organic nature than any philosopher up to his time had attained. Mayer was the first to see that the excess 0·42 of the specific heat at constant pressure over that at constant volume was the quantity of heat consumed in the work performed by the expanding gas. Assuming the air to be confined laterally and to expand in a vertical direction, in which direction it would simply have to lift the weight of the atmosphere, he attempted to calculate the precise amount of heat consumed in the raising of this or any other weight. He thus sought to determine the “mechanical equivalent” of heat. In the combination of his data his mind was clear, but for the numerical correctness of these data he was obliged to rely upon the experimenters of his age. Their results, though approximately correct, were not so correct as the transcendent experimental ability of Regnault, aided by the last refinements of constructive skill, afterward made them. Without changing in the slightest degree the method of his thought or the structure of his calculation, the simple introduction of the exact numerical data into the formula of Mayer brings out the true mechanical equivalent of heat.

      But how are we able to speak thus confidently of the accuracy of this equivalent? We are enabled to do so by the labors of an Englishman, who worked at this subject contemporaneously with Mayer; and who, while animated by the creative genius of his celebrated German brother, enjoyed also the opportunity of bringing the inspirations of that genius to the test of experiment. By the immortal experiments of Mr. Joule, the mutual convertibility of mechanical work and heat was first conclusively established. And “Joule’s equivalent,” as it is rightly called, considering the amount of resolute labor and skill expended in its determination, is almost identical with that derived from the formula of Mayer.

       Table of Contents

      Consider now the ground we have trodden, the curious labyrinth of reasoning and experiment through which we have passed. We started with the observed and calculated velocities of sound in atmospheric air. We found Laplace, by a special assumption, deducing from these velocities the ratio of the specific heat of air at constant pressure to its specific heat at constant volume. We found Mayer calculating from this ratio the mechanical equivalent of heat; finally, we found Joule determining the same equivalent by direct experiments on the friction of solids and liquids. And what is the result? Mr. Joule’s experiments prove the result of Mayer to be the true one; they therefore prove the ratio determined by Laplace to be the true ratio; and, because they do this, they prove at the same time the practical absence of radiative power in atmospheric air. It seems a long step from the stirring of water, or the rubbing together of iron plates in Joule’s experiments, to the radiation of the atoms of our atmosphere; both questions are, however, connected by the line of reasoning here followed out.

      But the

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