The Greatest Historical Novels & Romances of D. K. Broster. D. K. Broster

The Greatest Historical Novels & Romances of D. K. Broster - D. K. Broster

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which spans the loch here so constantly between storms, or those streamers which you see in the northern sky at night—we have been seeing them of late, very bright. But they mean nothing . . . if it be not ill weather next day. They come too late—after sunset.”

      “But before dawn!” suggested Ewen.

      “If you like, my dear boy, if you like, yes. You are young, and may yet see a dawn. Get you to bed now, and do not let an old man’s faithlessness make you despond. . . . Good-night, and God bless you!”

      * * * * *

      Up in the room which had been his mother’s as a girl, and which he always occupied when he visited Invernacree, Ewen broke the seal of Mr. Oliphant’s letter.

      “My dear son,” wrote the old man, “I think you will guess how often I have thought of you and blessed you and prayed for you, even as David prayed, ‘Deliver my darling from the power of the dog’. And I am sure that you were delivered, if not without scathe; and I hope, my dear son, that you had not to pay by an unjust captivity for your good deed, which was good even though it were done in the spirit of the man who said ‘I go not’, and went. For you will remember that, for all his first refusing, it was he who was justified, and not the other.

      “The unfortunate officer, your enemy, was still alive when the soldiers reached the place. I had written upon a piece of paper, which I then placed in his pocket, these words: ‘If you recover, you owe it to a man whom you greatly injured’. I would not mention your name lest it brought harm upon you, and I thought, too, that you would not have wished it. But I wrote what I did for the man’s own sake; it was right that he should know it—if indeed he would ever know anything again in this world. I had concealed myself, as I promised you, and I was not searched for. Moreover, I found help and shelter upon my road to Salen; yet I greatly missed my son’s strong arm and his heartening company. But I reflected that, even as he had been sent to me in my necessity, so he had been sent elsewhere in another’s.

      “Yet I have the hope, angelos, that before long you will reach this house of your good uncle’s, which has been so kind a haven to me, and where it has been my delight to speak of you.

      “The Lord bless and keep you, and lead you back safely to your own!”

      * * * * *

      Ewen put the letter carefully away in his breast, and going to the window stood looking out into the clear March night. The five-mile width of Loch Linnhe, shining faintly, lay before him; dark mountains lifted themselves on the farther side whence he had come, Shuna’s island bulk lay to the right, and the castle on the islet down below stood warden over the inlet of Laich. Away to the left a warm yellow moon was entangled in trees. But it was not under her rays that the water shone. Over the mountains facing him, though it was after ten at night, the sky was irradiated with a soft, white glow. As Ewen stood there it grew in intensity and widened; a faint, perfectly straight shaft of the same unearthly light shot up into the sky, then another. But Ardroy was thinking of other things: of the old priest’s letter; of how his presentiment about meeting one who had to do with Keith Windham had been fulfilled; and of how strangely—it was not a new thought now—he had resembled his own small son in his desire that vengeance should be meted out to the evil-doer who had wrought him such an injury. ‘He was wicked—it was right that he should be punished!’ had been Donald’s cry of justification on that September evening. The idea still had power to raise in Ewen some of the rueful dismay which had swept over him when it had first presented itself, one morning when he was pacing the sandy shores of Coll, half-deafened by the green Atlantic surges, and praying for the wind to change. . . . But all reflections were merged now into an impatience to begin to-morrow’s journey to Edinburgh, the next milestone on the road which was to bring him back to his wife and home. He turned away from the window and began to make ready for bed.

      Yet when, after blowing out his candle, he went for a last look over the loch, he gave a smothered exclamation. The moon was gone, vanquished, and the whole of the sky from north-west to north-east was pulsing with light, with great eddying rivers and pools of that magic radiance. The miraculous glow was no longer a background to the dark mountains of Morven, nor did it now send forth those straight pencils of light; it streamed and billowed, as it seemed for miles, right over the house-top; and it was never still for an instant. It shimmered across the sky like ethereal banners, for ever changing their shape; like the swirling draperies of a throng of invisible dancers—as the Gaelic indeed names the Northern Lights; like reflections flickering through the curtain of space from some mighty effulgence behind it. Ewen had often seen the Aurora Borealis, but he could not remember ever having seen it so fine at this time of year. For a while he lay and watched from his bed what he could see of those bright and soundless evolutions; they were a commentary on his uncle’s words this evening; but he was too tired, and the bed, after three months of hard and varied lying, too seductive, for him to stay awake and ponder the matter.

      When he woke some hours later and turned over, the night was quite dark; all the wonderful white dance of flame in the heavens was gone as if it had never been.


      Next day Ewen set out from Invernacree on his journey to Edinburgh, a gillie of his uncle’s carrying his modest valise—not his, in truth, but one of Ian’s. He meant to go on foot through Benderloch to the ferry on the curve of Loch Etive at Bonawe, and there, in the little inn on the farther side, hoped to hire a horse. If he failed in this he would have to trudge on for another twelve or thirteen miles to the next hostelry at Dalmally, beyond the Pass of Brander and Loch Awe.

      The proud mass of Ben Cruachan, monarch of all the heights around, with a wreath of cloud veiling the snow upon his summit, frowned at the Cameron as he came along the northern shore of beautiful Etive towards the heart of Lorne. Ewen dismissed the gillie, took his valise and was rowed across the wind-rippled blue water.

      “Is it true that the innkeeper here has horses for hire?” he asked, as he paid the ferryman on the farther side.

      “Ay, he has, though but the one now. The beast will not be hired out the day, however, for I saw him no later than noon.”

      The tiny inn under the three wind-bent pines looked as if it could scarcely provide a decent meal, still less a horse, yet, somewhat to Ewen’s surprise, there was a very well-appointed chaise standing outside it. But there seemed something wrong with this equipage, for one of the horses was out of the shafts, and the middle-aged postilion was talking earnestly to an elegantly dressed young man, presumably the traveller. Various ragged underlings of the hostelry, possessing no knowledge of English, vociferated round them.

      Ewen called one of these, told him he wanted a saddle-horse, and entered the inn to pay for its hire. He had some difficulty in finding the innkeeper, and the man had finally to be summoned.

      “You have a saddle-horse for hire, I believe,” said Ardroy. “For how many stages are you willing to let it out?”

      The Highlander seemed embarrassed. “I fear that I cannot let you have it at all, sir. I have but the one horse for hire, and the young gentleman out there, who is returning from Dunstaffnage Castle to Edinburgh, requires it for his chaise, for one of his own horses has suddenly gone lame.”

      With instant resentment Ewen thought, “From Dunstaffnage? A Campbell, of course, who thinks all belongs to him in Lorne! I would like to show him that he’s wrong. . . . But I need the horse, to carry me,” he said aloud, with an unwonted haughtiness, “and this sprig of Clan Diarmaid must make shift with his remaining horse, and go the slower.”

      “He is not a Campbell, sir,” returned the innkeeper quickly. “It is a Sassenach, a young English lord returning from a visit to Dunstaffnage.”

      Ewen was slightly mollified. Even an Englishman was preferable, on the whole, to a Campbell. “Perhaps,” he suggested, “if he is told that this horse of yours is the only means of my getting on my way he will have the grace to relinquish it.”

      Like the innkeeper he had used the Gaelic. The sentence was scarcely finished when a voice behind him made him start, he

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