75 лучших рассказов / 75 Best Short Stories. Коллектив авторов

75 лучших рассказов / 75 Best Short Stories - Коллектив авторов

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xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" xlink:href="#n73" type="note">[73], King of Mercia[74]. So he – quite naturally – wants a set of Offas as a sort of collateral proof.’

      ‘Very interesting,’ murmured Mr. Carlyle, fidgeting with his watch. ‘I should love an hour’s chat with you about your millionaire customers – some other time. Just now – look here, Baxter, can’t you give me a line of introduction to some dealer in this sort of thing who happens to live in town? You must know dozens of experts.’

      ‘Why, bless my soul, Mr. Carlyle, I don’t know a man of them away from his business,’ said Mr. Baxter, staring. ‘They may live in Park Lane or they may live in Petticoat Lane for all I know. Besides, there aren’t so many experts as you seem to imagine. And the two best will very likely quarrel over it. You’ve had to do with “expert witnesses,” I suppose?’

      ‘I don’t want a witness; there will be no need to give evidence. All I want is an absolutely authoritative pronouncement that I can act on. Is there no one who can really say whether the thing is genuine or not?’

      Mr. Baxter’s meaning silence became cynical in its implication as he continued to look at his visitor across the counter. Then he relaxed.

      ‘Stay a bit; there is a man – an amateur – I remember hearing wonderful things about some time ago. They say he really does know.’

      ‘There you are,’ explained Mr. Carlyle, much relieved. ‘There always is someone. Who is he?’

      ‘Funny name,’ replied Baxter. ‘Something Wynn or Wynn something.’ He craned his neck to catch sight of an important motor-car that was drawing to the kerb before his window. ‘Wynn Carrados! You’ll excuse me now, Mr. Carlyle, won’t you? This looks like Mr. Offmunson.’

      Mr. Carlyle hastily scribbled the name down on his cuff.

      ‘Wynn Carrados, right. Where does he live?’

      ‘Haven’t the remotest idea,’ replied Baxter, referring the arrangement of his tie to the judgment of the wall mirror. ‘I have never seen the man myself. Now, Mr. Carlyle, I’m sorry I can’t do any more for you. You won’t mind, will you?’

      Mr. Carlyle could not pretend to misunderstand. He enjoyed the distinction of holding open the door for the transatlantic representative of the line of Offa as he went out, and then made his way through the muddy streets back to his office. There was only one way of tracing a private individual at such short notice – through the pages of the directories, and the gentleman did not flatter himself by a very high estimate of his chances.

      Fortune favoured him, however. He very soon discovered a Wynn Carrados living at Richmond[75], and, better still, further search failed to unearth another. There was, apparently, only one householder at all events of that name in the neighbourhood of London. He jotted down the address and set out for Richmond.

      The house was some distance from the station, Mr. Carlyle learned. He took a taxicab and drove, dismissing the vehicle at the gate. He prided himself on his power of observation and the accuracy of his deductions which resulted from it – a detail of his business. ‘It’s nothing more than using one’s eyes and putting two and two together,’ he would modestly declare, when he wished to be deprecatory rather than impressive. By the time he had reached the front door of ‘The Turrets’ he had formed some opinion of the position and tastes of the people who lived there.

      A man-servant admitted Mr. Carlyle and took his card – his private card, with the bare request for an interview that would not detain Mr. Carrados for ten minutes. Luck still favoured him; Mr. Carrados was at home and would see him at once. The servant, the hall through which they passed, and the room into which he was shown, all contributed something to the deductions which the quietly observant gentleman, was half unconsciously recording.

      ‘Mr. Carlyle,’ announced the servant.

      The room was a library or study. The only occupant, a man of about Carlyle’s own age, had been using a typewriter up to the moment of his visitor’s entrance. He now turned and stood up with an expression of formal courtesy.

      ‘It’s very good of you to see me at this hour,’ apologised Mr. Carlyle.

      The conventional expression of Mr. Carrados’s face changed a little.

      ‘Surely my man has got your name wrong?’ he explained. ‘Isn’t it Louis Calling?’

      Mr. Carlyle stopped short and his agreeable smile gave place to a sudden flash of anger or annoyance.

      ‘No sir,’ he replied stiffly. ‘My name is on the card which you have before you.’

      ‘I beg your pardon,’ said Mr. Carrados, with perfect good-humour. ‘I hadn’t seen it. But I used to know a Calling some years ago – at St. Michael’s.’

      ‘St. Michael’s!’ Mr. Carlyle’s features underwent another change, no less instant and sweeping than before. ‘St. Michael’s! Wynn Carrados? Good heavens! it isn’t Max Wynn – old “Winning” Wynn’?

      ‘A little older and a little fatter – yes,’ replied Carrados. ‘I have changed my name you see.’

      ‘Extraordinary thing meeting like this,’ said his visitor, dropping into a chair and staring hard at Mr. Carrados. ‘I have changed more than my name. How did you recognize me?’

      ‘The voice,’ replied Carrados. ‘It took me back to that little smoke-dried attic den of yours where we—’

      ‘My God!’ exclaimed Carlyle bitterly, ‘don’t remind me of what we were going to do in those days.’ He looked round the well-furnished, handsome room and recalled the other signs of wealth that he had noticed. ‘At all events, you seem fairly comfortable, Wynn.’

      ‘I am alternately envied and pitied,’ replied Carrados, with a placid tolerance of circumstance that seemed characteristic of him. ‘Still, as you say, I am fairly comfortable.’

      ‘Envied, I can understand. But why are you pitied?’

      ‘Because I am blind,’ was the tranquil reply.

      ‘Blind!’ exclaimed Mr. Carlyle, using his own eyes superlatively. ‘Do you mean – literally blind?’

      ‘Literally… I was riding along a bridle-path through a wood about a dozen years ago with a friend. He was in front. At one point a twig sprang back – you know how easily a thing like that happens. It just flicked my eye – nothing to think twice about.’

      ‘And that blinded you?’

      ‘Yes, ultimately. It’s called amaurosis.’

      ‘I can scarcely believe it. You seem so sure and self-reliant. Your eyes are full of expression – only a little quieter than they used to be. I believe you were typing when I came… Aren’t you having me?’

      ‘You miss the dog and the stick?’ smiled Carrados. ‘No; it’s a fact.’

      ‘What an awful affliction for you, Max. You were always such an impulsive, reckless sort of fellow – never quiet. You must miss such a fearful lot.’

      ‘Has anyone else recognized you?’ asked Carrados quietly.

      ‘Ah, that was the voice, you said,’ replied Carlyle.

      ‘Yes; but other people heard the voice as well. Only I had no blundering, self-confident eyes to be hoodwinked.’

      ‘That’s a rum way of putting it,’ said Carlyle. ‘Are your ears never hoodwinked, may I ask?’

      ‘Not now. Nor my fingers. Nor any of my other senses that have to look out for themselves.’

      ‘Well, well,’ murmured Mr. Carlyle, cut short in his sympathetic emotions. ‘I’m glad you take

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Mercia – one of the most powerful kingdoms of Anglo-Saxon England in the 7th–9th centuries


Richmond – an outer borough (an incorporate town or district with special privileges) of London, along the River Thames