History of the Inquisition of Spain. Henry Charles Lea

History of the Inquisition of Spain - Henry Charles Lea

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Córtes de los antiguos Reinos de Leon y de Castilla, IV, 59–68.—Novisima Recopilacion, Lib. III, Tit. v, ley 10, 11.—Barrantes, Ilustraciones de la Casa de Niebla, Lib. VIII, cap. xxii.—Garibay, Compendio Historial, Lib. XVIII, cap. xvi.—Don Clemencin (op. cit. p. 146).

      At the death of Henry IV, in 1474, the royal revenue had fallen to about ten million maravedís. By 1477 it increased to 27,415,626, by 1482 to 150,695,288, and in 1504, at the death of Isabella, it was 341,733,597.—Clemencin, p. 153.

      The Córtes of Toledo, in 1462, among their grievances, include the factious turbulence of the clergy—“bien sabe vuestra alteza commo algunos obispos e abades e otras eclesiasticas personas se han fecho y de cada dia se fazen de vandos, e algunos dellos tanto e mas escandalizan vuestras cibdades e villas que los legos dellas.”—Córtes de Leon y de Castilla, III, 711 (Madrid, 1866).

      The right as to bishoprics was finally conceded in 1523 to Charles V by Adrian VI (Mariana, Lib. XXVI, cap. 5).