The Psychology of Sex (Vol. 1-6). Havelock Ellis

The Psychology of Sex (Vol. 1-6) - Havelock  Ellis

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antiquity an observation which in English has received its classical expression from Chaucer, who, in his "Wife of Bath's Prologue," has:—

      "He sayde, a woman cast hir shame away,

       When she cast of hir smok."

      I need not point out that the analysis of modesty offered above robs this venerable saying of any sting it may have possessed as a slur upon women. In such a case, modesty is largely a doubt as to the spectator's attitude, and necessarily disappears when that doubt is satisfactorily resolved. As we have seen, the Central Australian maidens were very modest with regard to the removal of their single garment, but when that removal was accomplished and accepted, they were fearless.

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