The Criticism of the New Testament. Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener

The Criticism of the New Testament - Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener

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       Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener

      The Criticism of the New Testament

      Published by


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      2020 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066394240

       Volume 1

       Volume 2

       Table of Contents

       Chapter I. Preliminary Considerations.

       Chapter II. General Character Of The Greek Manuscripts Of The New Testament.

       Chapter III. Divisions Of The Text, And Other Particulars.

       Chapter IV. The Larger Uncial Manuscripts Of The Greek Testament.

       Chapter V. Uncial Manuscripts Of The Gospels.

       Chapter VI. Uncial Manuscripts Of The Acts And Catholic Epistles, Of St. Paul's Epistles, And Of The Apocalypse.

       Chapter VII. Cursive Manuscripts Of The Gospels. Part I.

       Chapter VIII. Cursive Manuscripts Of The Gospels. Part II.

       Chapter IX. Cursive Manuscripts Of The Gospels. Part III.

       Chapter X. Cursive Manuscripts Of The Acts And Catholic Epistles.

       Chapter XI. Cursive Manuscripts Of St. Paul's Epistles.

       Chapter XII. Cursive Manuscripts Of The Apocalypse.

       Chapter XIII. Evangelistaries, Or Manuscript Service-Books Of The Gospels.

       Chapter XIV. Lectionaries Containing The Apostolos Or Praxapostolos.

       Appendix A. Chief Authorities.

       Appendix B. On Facsimiles.

       Appendix C. On Dating By Indiction.

       Appendix D. On The ῥηματα.

       Appendix E. Table Of Differences Between The Fourth Edition Of Dr. Scrivener's Plain Introduction And Dr. Gregory's Prolegomena.

      Chapter I. Preliminary Considerations.

       Table of Contents

      1. When God was pleased to make known to man His purpose of redeeming us through the death of His Son, He employed for this end the general laws, and worked according to the ordinary course of His Providential government, so far as they were available for the furtherance of His merciful design. A revelation from heaven, in its very notion, implies supernatural interposition; yet neither in the first promulgation nor in the subsequent propagation of Christ's religion, can we mark any waste of miracles. So far as they were needed for the assurance of honest seekers after truth, they were freely resorted to: whensoever the principles which move mankind in the affairs of common life were adequate to the exigences of the case, more unusual and (as we might have thought) more powerful means of producing conviction were withheld, as at once superfluous and ineffectual. Those who heard not Moses and the prophets would scarcely be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

      2. As it was with respect to the evidences of our faith, so also with regard to the volume of Scripture. God willed that His Church should enjoy the benefit of His written word, at once as a rule of doctrine and as a guide unto holy living. For this cause He so enlightened the minds of the Apostles and Evangelists by His Spirit, that they recorded what He had imprinted on their hearts or brought to their remembrance, without the risk of error in anything essential to the verity of the Gospel. But this main point once secured, the rest was left, in a great measure, to themselves. The style, the tone, the language, perhaps the special occasion of writing, seem to have depended much on the taste and judgement of the several penmen. Thus in St. Paul's Epistles we note the profound thinker, the great scholar, the consummate orator: St. John pours forth the simple utterings of his gentle, untutored, affectionate soul: in St. Peter's speeches and letters may be traced the impetuous earnestness of his noble yet not faultless character. Their individual tempers and faculties and intellectual habits are clearly discernible, even while they are speaking to us in the power and by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

      3. Now this self-same parsimony in the employment of miracles which we observe with reference to Christian evidences and to the inspiration of Scripture, we might look for beforehand, from the analogy of divine things, when we proceed to consider the methods by which Scripture has been preserved and handed down to us. God might , if He would, have stamped His revealed will visibly on the heavens, that all should read it there: He might have so completely filled the minds of His servants the Prophets and Evangelists, that they should have become mere passive instruments in the promulgation of His counsel, and the writings they have delivered to us have borne no traces whatever of their individual characters: but for certain causes which we can perceive, and doubtless for others beyond the reach of our capacities, He has chosen to do neither the one nor the other. And so again with the subject we propose to discuss in the present work, namely, the relation our existing text of the New Testament bears to that which originally came from the hands of the sacred penmen. Their autographs might have been preserved in the Church as the perfect standards by which all accidental variations of the numberless copies scattered throughout the world should be corrected to the end of time: but we know that these autographs perished utterly in the very infancy of Christian history. Or if it be too much to expect that the autographs of the inspired writers should escape the fate which has overtaken that of every other known relique of ancient literature, God might have so guided the hand or fixed the devout attention both of copyists during the long space of fourteen hundred years before the invention of printing, and of compositors

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