The Collection of the Greatest Catholic Hymns. Henry Formby
the victim undefil'd,
Man to God hath reconcil'd;
Whilst in strange and awful strife
Met together Death and Life.
Christians, on this happy day
Haste with joy your vows to pay;
Christ the Lord is ris'n on high,
Now He lives no more to die.
Say, O wond'ring Mary, say,
What thou sawest on thy way?
"I beheld, where Christ had lain,
Empty tomb and angels twain;
I beheld the glory bright
Of the rising Lord of light:
Christ my hope is ris'n again,
Now He lives, and lives to reign."
Christ, who once for sinners bled,
Now the firstborn from the dead,
Thron'd in endless might and power,
Lives and reigns for evermore.
Hail, eternal Hope on high!
Hail, Thou King of victory!
Hail, Thou Prince of life ador'd!
Help and save us, gracious Lord!
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