Pharais; and, The Mountain Lovers. Sharp William

Pharais; and, The Mountain Lovers - Sharp William

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gach cunnart 's o gach bàs,

      'S o gach nàmhaid th' aig Mac Dhe,

      O nàdur dhaoine borba,

      'S o choirbteachd mo nàduir fèin,

      Gabhaidh mis' a nis armachd Dhe,

      Gun bhi reubta no brisd',

      'Sge b' oil leis an t' sàtan 's le phàirt

      Bi'dh mis' air mo gheàrd a nis."

      The day is now gone;

      Dark night gathers around,

      And I will lay me safely down (to sleep)

      Under the shadow of my Beloved One's wing.

      Against all dangers, and death in every form,

      Against each enemy of God's good Son,

      Against the anger of the turbulent people,

      And against the corruption of my own nature,

      I will take unto me the armour of God—

      That shall protect me from all assaults:

      And in spite of Satan and all his following,

      I shall be well and surely guarded.

      When, after an interval of speechless prayer, the lonely old woman rose painfully to her feet, she noticed the open window, and heard the sough of the wind without.

      With a tired sigh, she crossed the room to close the inside latch. But, at the window, she stood irresolute, held by the noise of the sea beating against the clamour of the wind. She stooped, and peered forth.

      Not a thing was visible. Suddenly a broad wavering gleam of sheet-lightning lit up the whole brae. Almost, she fancied, she could have sworn she saw three human figures, with bowed heads, moving across the brow of the slope.

      She could not know that three men, stricken with shame and remorse—remorse which would ere long bloom into the white flower of repentance, to be worn lovingly by all on the isle—were stealing homeward from a vain and wicked errand.

      With a shudder, she crossed herself, fearing that the figures she had imagined, or had really seen, were the three dreadful Accursed who drove the spear into Christ's side and the nails into His hands and feet, and with mocking offered Him the bitter sponge.

      Slowly repeating:

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