Crusoe's Island: A Ramble in the Footsteps of Alexander Selkirk. J. Ross Browne
Lassoing a Grizzly
The Duke of York, Queen Victoria, and Jenny Lind | 274 |
The Diggers at Home | 285 |
Out in the Mountains | 301 |
Protecting the Settlers | 305 |
The Bummer | 311 |
Going to Kern River | 312 |
Returning from Kern River | 313 |
Ho! for Frazer River | 315 |
Returned from Frazer River | 318 |
Hurrah for Washoe | 321 |
The Agency | 323 |
"I say, Cap!" | 326 |
Dollars with Spider legs (a Dream) | 327 |
"Go it, Washoe!" | 329 |
The Pocket Pistol | 331 |
California Stage-driver | 333 |
Whisky below | 334 |
"Carambo! Caraja—Sacramento!—Santa Maria!—Diavolo!" | 335 |
Board and Lodging | 337 |
Grindstones | 339 |
A Speculator | 341 |
Dinner at Strawberry | 345 |
The Lay-out | 348 |
The Stocking-thief | 349 |
The Trail from Strawberry | 351 |
"We are waiting for you" | 354 |
A short Cut | 355 |
Diogenes | 358 |
Carson City | 362 |
The Stage | 369 |
The Devil's Gate | 371 |
Virginia City | 373 |
A Question of Title | 375 |
"My Claim, Sir!" | 377 |
Gold Hill | 379 |
San Francisco Speculators | 380 |
Assay Office | 381 |
A Fall | 384 |
The Comstock Lead | 386 |
The Claims | 389 |
"Silver, certain, Sir" | 391 |
"Indications, sure!" | 393 |
An old Friend | 399 |
Carson Valley | 403 |
Holding on to it | 405 |
Mount Ophir | 407 |
Croppings | 408 |
The Flowery Diggings | 409 |
Honest Miner | 410 |
"A gloomy Prospect" | 411 |
Return from Washoe | 417 |
Outgoing and Incoming |