Venoms: Venomous Animals and Antivenomous Serum-therapeutics. A. Calmette
to the British Museum Catalogue, the genus Denisonia includes twenty-one species, the principal characters of which are as follows:—
Fig. 52.—Denisonia superba (The Copperhead).
(1) D. superba (The Copperhead. Fig. 52).—Scales in 15–17 rows; nasal shield entire, in contact with the præocular; ventral scales 145–160; subcaudals 41–50.
Colour brownish to dark olive on the back, often yellow or salmon-red on the sides; belly yellowish or greyish-olive.
Total length, 1,010 millimetres; tail 160.
Habitat: New South Wales, Southern Australia, Tasmania.
(2) D. coronata.—Scales in 15 rows; 138–151 ventrals; 38–51 subcaudals.
Fig. 53.—Denisonia coronoides.
Colour olive, with a black streak on each side of the head; belly yellowish or pale olive.
Total length, 480 millimetres; tail 95.
Habitat: Western Australia and New South Wales.
(3) D. coronoides (fig. 53).—Scales in 15 rows; 136–151 ventrals; 39–57 subcaudals.
Colour brown, lips yellow; belly salmon-red to dark olive-grey; end of tail salmon-red.
Total length, 440 millimetres; tail 80.
Habitat: Southern Australia and Tasmania.
(4) D. muelleri.—Scales in 17 rows; 118 ventrals; 38 subcaudals.
Colour grey-brown; lips and chin with yellow spots; belly grey.
Total length, 292 millimetres; tail 52.
Habitat: Queensland.
(5) D. frenata.—Scales in 19 rows; 167 ventrals; 35 subcaudals.
Colour olive-brown; upper lip yellow; belly white.
Total length, 390 millimetres; tail 54.
Habitat: Lake Elphinstone, Queensland.
(6) D. ramsayi (fig. 54).—Scales in 15 rows; 164 ventrals; 51 subcaudals.
Fig. 54.—Denisonia ramsayi.
Colour dark olive-green above, yellow beneath; subcaudals nearly black.
Total length, 265 millimetres; tail 50.
Habitat: New South Wales.
(7) D. signata (fig. 55).—Scales in 17 rows; 153–170 ventrals; 41–56 subcaudals.
Fig. 55.—Denisonia signata.
Colour dark olive or black, head brown; belly dark grey or black.
Total length, 640 millimetres; tail 120.
Habitat: Queensland, New South Wales.
(8) D. daemelii.—Scales in 17 rows; 147–168 ventrals; 33–45 subcaudals.
Colour olive, head darker; belly yellowish-white.
Total length, 380 millimetres; tail 60.
Habitat: Queensland.
(9) D. suta.—Scales in 19 rows; 157–164 ventrals; 25–30 subcaudals.
Colour pale olive-brown, head dark brown, nape black; upper lip and belly yellow.
Total length, 200 millimetres; tail 23.
Habitat: Southern Australia.
(10) D. frontalis.—Scales in 19 rows; 154 ventrals; 30 subcaudals.
Colour light brown, with a vertebral black line; belly pearly-white, with a median bronze-coloured band.
Total length, 400 millimetres; tail 50.
Habitat: New South Wales.
(11) D. flagellum.—Scales in 17 rows; 132–138 ventrals; 25–27 subcaudals.
Colour pale brown; vertex, occiput, and nape black; upper lip and belly white.
Total length, 380 millimetres; tail 40.
Habitat: Victoria.
(12) D. maculata. (fig. 56).—Scales in 17 rows; 121–136 ventrals; 20–30 subcaudals.
Fig. 56.—Denisonia maculata.
Colour dark grey-brown, or brown; a large dark olive-green or brown blotch on the head, with two or three unequal light grey spots; belly white.
Total length, 400 millimetres; tail 55.
Habitat: Queensland.
(13) D. punctata.—Scales in 15 rows; 160 ventrals; 25 subcaudals.
Colour pale brown; head and nape orange; upper lip and belly yellow.
Total length, 350 millimetres; tail 36.
Habitat: North-Western Australia.
(14) D. gouldii (fig. 57).—Scales in 15 rows; 140–170 ventrals; 22–23 subcaudals.
Fig. 57.—Denisonia gouldii.
Colour brownish-yellow; nape black; head covered with a broad greenish-blue blotch, extending from the nose to the neck; upper lip and belly yellow.
Total length, 435 millimetres; tail 50.
Habitat: Western and Southern Australia.
(15) D. nigrescens.—Scales in 15 rows; 170–200 ventrals; 30–46 subcaudals.
Colour dark olive; head black; belly yellow.
Total length, 545 millimetres; tail 75.
Habitat: New South Wales and Queensland.
(16) D. nigrostriata.—Scales in 15 rows; 180–184 ventrals; 50–64 subcaudals.
Colour yellow, streaked with black; head dark brown; upper lip and belly yellowish-white.
Total length, 380 millimetres; tail 52.
Habitat: Queensland.
(17) D. carpentariæ.—Scales in 15 rows; 166–183 ventrals; 31–43 subcaudals.
Colour brown; upper lip and belly yellowish-white.
Total length, 285 millimetres; tail 47.
Habitat: Northern Queensland.
(18) D. pallidiceps.—Scales in 15 rows; 170–178 ventrals; 37–38 subcaudals.
Colour dark olive-brown; head somewhat paler; belly yellowish. Total length, 590 millimetres; tail 80.
Habitat: Northern Australia.
(19) D. melanura.—Scales in 15 or 17 rows; 165–171 ventrals; 38–48 subcaudals.
Colour dark brown; head and sides usually reddish; belly yellow; tail black.