Superior Fishing. Robert Barnwell Roosevelt
Robert Barnwell Roosevelt
Superior Fishing
Or, the Striped Bass, Trout, and Black Bass of the Northern States
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4064066232238
Table of Contents
MACKINAW SALMON. Namaycush—Salmo Amethystus.
LAKE TROUT. Salmon Trout—Salmo Confinis .
THE SISKAWITZ. Salmo Siscowet.
STRIPED BASS. Rock-fish—Librax Lineatus.
No. 5. Meg with the Muckle Mouth.
No. 11. The Gravel Bed, or Spider Fly.
No. 12. The Grannom, or Green Tail.
No. 16. The Little Yellow May Dun.
No. 18. The Oak Fly, also the Down Head Fly, and Down Hill Fly.
No. 20. The Little Dark Spinner.
No. 27. The Gold-eyed Gauze Wing.