The Learned Lady in England, 1650-1760. Myra Reynolds
extravagant, can be well understood. Although much faded, and sometimes re-backed and the sides relaid, with the silken ties all gone, enough of their old magnificence still remains to make us feel that we should indeed be proud that English binders could have produced such works.[86]
Aside from these religious schools, which were very small, there were undoubtedly some fashionable boarding-schools, such as Mrs. Salmon's school in Hackney where Katherine Fowler went.[87] Another fully organized private school at Hackney was that kept by Mrs. Perwick in 1643, where as many as eight hundred girls had been educated.[88] The existence of a school for girls in Richmond is shown by a curious document found among a large number of miscellaneous papers in Warwickshire. It is entitled "Account for Peggy's Disbursements since her going to schoole at Richmond, being in Sept. 1646":
s. | d. | ||
Payd for a louehood | 2. | 6 | |
For carriing the truncke to Queenhive | 0. | 8 | |
For carriing it to Hammersmith | 1. | 0 | |
Payd for two pair of shoes | 4. | 0 | |
Payd for a singing booke | 1. | 0 | |
Given to Mrsis Jervoises mayd | 1. | 0 | |
Payed for a hairlace and a pair of showstrings | 1. | 0 | |
For an inckhorne | 0. | 4 | |
For faggots. 2s.8d.; and cleaving of wood, 12d. | 3. | 8 | |
For 9li of soape 2s. 4d.; and starch 4d. | 2. | 8 | |
For hooks and a bolte for the doore | 0. | 9 | |
For sugar and licorich | 1. | 4 | |
For silke and thread | 0. | 6 | |
For 3li of soape, 11d.; and starch 4d.; and carrying letters 6d. | 1. | 9 | |
For 3li of soape, 12d.; and starch 4d. | 1. | 4 | |
For sugar, licorich and coultsfoot | 1. | 6 | |
For a necklace, 12d.; for a m. of pins, 12d. | 2. | 0 | |
For a pair of cands (candles?) 6d.; for muckadine 4d.; for wormsend (worsted), 2d. | 1. | 0 | |
For shostrings, 6d.; for going on errands, 6d. | 1. | 0 | |
For 3li of soape, 12d.; for starch 4d.; thread and silk 4d. | 1. | 8 | |
For a bason, 4d.; for carrying letters, 6d.; for tape 4d. | 1. | 2 | |
For soape, 12d.; for starch, 4d.; for going on errands, 6d. | 1. | 10 | |
For a pair of pattins, 16d.; for three pair of shoes, 6s. | 7. | 4 | |
For callico to line her stockins, 2d.; for showstrings 4d. | 0. | 6 | |
For 3li of soape, 12d.; for a pint of white wine 4d. | 1. | 4 | |
For ale, 3d.; for ½li of sugar, 8d. | 0. | 11 | |
For a m. of pins, 12d.; for a corle and one pair of half-handed gloves, 8d. | 1. | 8 | |
Given to the writing mr. | 2. | 6 | |
For silke, 12d.; for silver for the tooth-pick case, 4d. | 1. | 4 | |
For a sampler, 12d.; for thread, needles, paper, pins, and parchment, 30d. | 3. | 6 | |
For a pair of shoes, 2s. 2d.; for ribbon, 3d. | 2. | 5 | |
For soape, 12d.; for starch, 4d.; for carriing a letter, 4d. | 1. | 8 | |
To the waterman bringing the (box?) to Richmond | 1. | 0 | |
For shoestrings, 6d.; for purge, 18d. | 2. | 0 | |
For bringing the box from Richmond | 1. | 0 | |
For a coach from Fleetestreete | 1. | 0 | |
For wood to this time | 15. | 10 | |
——— | |||
Totall of disbursements to this 15th day of Aprill, 1647 is | £3. 18. 5 | [89] |
Peggy's clothing and her board and tuition must have been paid for by her father. The accurate little list represents only her personal and incidental expenses. The writing-master's fee, the purchase of an inkhorn, a singing-book, and materials for a sampler are the only