Our Day. William Ambrose Spicer

Our Day - William Ambrose Spicer

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       Table of Contents

Jesus Weeping over Jerusalem Frontispiece
The Good Shepherd 12
Healing the Centurion's Servant 16
Christ's Weapon of Defense—The Word of God 19
On the Way to Emmaus 24
The Great Image 38
Babylon in Her Glory 40
The Handwriting on the Wall 42
The Ascension of Christ 50
Christ Coming in Glory 58
Christ Answering His Disciples' Questions 64
The Siege of Jerusalem by the Romans under Titus, A.D. 70 68
The Catacombs near Rome 72
Lisbon from Across the Bay 78
Midday at Sea, May 19, 1780 84
The Great Meteoric Shower, Nov. 13, 1833 92
The Sign of Fire 98
Satan Offers Gold, and the World Stampedes to Its Destruction 104
A Faithful and Wise Servant 108
The Sunset Hour 114
Philip and the Eunuch 116
Rome on the Tiber 124
The Invasion of the Roman Empire by the Huns 128
Raising the Siege of Rome, A.D. 538 130
Storming of the Bastille Prison in Paris 138
The Triple Crown 144
The Love of Power—The Power of Love 146
Christians in Prison Beneath the Colosseum Awaiting Martyrdom 148
The Shame of Religious Wars 152
Christ and the Scribes 158
The Sabbath from Eden To Eden 168
Christ and His Disciples in the Corn-fields 172
Waldenses Hunted by the Armies of Rome 176
The Gift of God 190
The Baptism of Christ 198
Symbols of Medo-Persia and Grecia 204
The Camp of Israel in the Wilderness 210
Our Great High Priest 212
Artaxerxes Sending the Jews to Rebuild Jerusalem, B.C. 457 218
Rebuilding Jerusalem 224
The Anointing of Jesus at His Baptism 228
The Crucifixion of Christ
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