Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin
ray, 535O God, that madest earth and sky, 931O God, thou art my God alone, 493O God, thy grace impart, 335O God, thy name they well may praise, 827O God unseen, but not unknown, 540O God, we praise thee, and confess, 164O God, whose presence glows in all, 34O happy day that fixed my choice, 664O happy is the man who hears, 404O happy soul that lives on high, 406O help us, Lord, each hour of need, 446O here, if ever, God of love, 676O it is joy in one to meet, 903O let your mingling voices rise, 211O Lord, another day is flown, 933O Lord, my best desire fulfil, 619O Lord, thy heavenly grace impart, 497O Lord, thy perfect word, 191O Lord, whose forming hand one blood, 800O may our sympathizing breasts, 382Omniscient God, 'tis thine to know, 398One prayer I have, all prayers in one, 499One sweet flower has drooped and faded, 761On eyes that never saw the day, 218On light beams breaking from above, 620O not alone with outward sign, 821On the first Christian Sabbath eve, 56On this fair spot where nature pays, 702On thy church, O Power Divine, 308Onward Christian, though the region, 720Onward speed thy conquering flight, 318On what has now been sown, 89On Zion, his most holy mount, 290On Zion's holy walls, 597Open, Lord, my inward ear, 982Oppression shall not always reign, 805O praise ye the Lord, prepare a new song, 162O render thanks to God above, 154O shut not out sweet pity's ray, 817O sinner, bring not tears alone, 330O speed thee, Christian, on thy way, 361O spirit of the living God, 723O stay thy tears, for they are blest, 569O sweet it is to know, to feel, 507O that the Lord would guide my ways, 475O Thou, at whose dread name we bend, 987O Thou, by long experience tried, 131O Thou, enthroned in worlds above, 440O Thou from whom all goodness flows, 476O thou sun of glorious splendor, 320O Thou, to whom all creatures bow, 134O Thou, to whom in ancient time, 16O Thou, who art above all height, 707O Thou, who didst ordain the word, 710O Thou, who driest the mourner's tear, 632O Thou, who hast at thy command, 338O Thou, who hast spread out the skies, 831O Thou, who on thy chosen Son, 709O Thou, whose own vast temple stands, 703O Thou, whose power o'er moving worlds presides, 441O Thou, whose presence went before, 803O timely happy, timely wise, 935O 'tis a lovely thing to see, 352O 'tis a scene the heart to move, 920Our country is Immanuel's ground, 523Our Father, ever living, 728Our Father, God, not face to face, 706Our Father in heaven, we hallow thy name, 437Our fathers, Lord, to seek a spot, 843Our Father! we may lisp thy name, 788Our Father, when beside the tomb, 966Our Father, who in heaven art, 438Our God, our help in ages past, 514Our God, where'er thy people meet, 910Our Heavenly Father calls, 686Our Heavenly Father, hear, 439Our heaven is everywhere, 418Our little bark on boisterous seas, 830Our pilgrim brethren dwelling far, 735Ours is a lovely world, how fair, 173Our times are in thy hand, and Thou, 520O weep not for the joys that fade, 602O what amazing words of grace, 264O what a struggle wakes within, 974O what is life, 'tis like a flower, 519O where, our Saviour, sweeps the line, 420O who shall see the glorious day, 316O worship the King, all glorious above, 151O Zion, tune thy voice, 319Parent of all, omnipotent, 845Part in peace! is day before us, 96Pastor, thou art from us taken, 598Patience, O 'tis a grace divine, 345Peace be to this habitation, 924Peace! the welcome sound proclaim, 812Peace, troubled soul, whose plaintive moan, 269People of the living God, 660Pilgrim, burdened with thy sin, 270Pillows wet with tears of anguish, 794Pity the nations, O our God, 694Planted in Christ the living vine, 658Pour, blessed gospel, glorious news for man, 304Praise for the glorious light, 790Praise God, from whom all blessings flow, 1008Praise on thee in Zion's gates, 882Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him, 641Praise to God, immortal praise, 855Praise to God, immortal praise, 1007Praise to God the great Creator, 262Praise to thee, thou great Creator, 165Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for thee, 45Praise ye Jehovah's name, 159Praise ye the Lord, around whose throne, 157Praise ye the Lord on every height, 152Prayer is the soul's sincere desire, 371Prayer may be sweet in cottage homes, 833Prepare us, Lord, to view thy cross, 675Quiet, Lord, my froward heart, 506Raise the adoring song, 989Rejoice, the Lord is king, 854Religion can assuage, 408Religion! in its blessed ray, 363Remark, my soul, the narrow bounds, 887Remember thy Creator, 740Restore, O Father, to our times restore, 680Return, my soul, unto thy rest, 500Return, O wanderer, now return, 272Ride on, ride on in majesty, 224Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem, rise, 298Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings, 434Rise, O my soul, pursue the path, 522Sacred day, forever blest, 71Safely through another week, 36Salt of the earth, ye virtuous few, 768Salvation! O the joyful sound, 640Saviour, thy law we love, 672Saviour, who thy flock art feeding, 668Say, why should friendship grieve for those, 581Scorn not the slightest word or deed, 822Searcher of hearts! before thy face, 461See from on high a light divine, 215See how great a flame aspires, 306See how he loved! exclaimed the Jews, 242See Israel's gentle Shepherd stands, 665See lovely nature raise her head, 554Send down thy winged angel, God, 930Servant of God, well done, 593Servants of Christ, arise, 356See the leaves around us falling, 756See what a living stone, 254Shine forth, Eternal Source of light, 494Shine on our souls, Eternal God, 78Since o'er thy footstool here below, 143Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord, 651Sinner, rouse thee from thy sleep, 268Sister, thou wast mild and lovely, 590Slavery and death the cup contains, 793So fades the lovely blooming flower, 583Soft are the fruitful showers that bring, 336Softly fades the twilight ray, 79Softly now the light of day, 955Soldier to the contest pressing, 992So let our lips and lives express, 339Sometimes a light surprises, 415Soon as I heard my Father say, 622Soon will our fleeting hours be past, 92Sound the full chorus, let praises ascend, 309Sovereign of life, before thine eye, 530Sovereign of worlds above, 715Sow in the morn thy seed, 772Spirit of grace, and help, and power, 77Stand up and bless the Lord, 3Still in shades of midnight darkness, 313Stretched on the cross the Saviour dies, 232Suppliant, lo! thy children bend, 748Supreme and universal light, 429Sweet day! so cool, so calm, so bright, 962Sweet is the bliss of souls serene, 414Sweet is the friendly voice, 327Sweet is the prayer whose holy stream, 366Sweet is the scene when virtue dies, 543Sweet is the task, O Lord, 43Sweet is the time of spring, 745Sweet is the work, my God, my King, 61Sweet to the soul the parting ray, 958Swell the anthem, raise the song, 881Talk with us, Lord, thyself reveal, 503Teach me, my God and King, 406Teach me, O teach me, Lord, thy way, 477Teach us to feel as Jesus prayed, 251The air of death breathes through our souls, 603The billows swell, the winds are high, 832The bird let loose in eastern skies, 451The bird that soars on highest wing, 353The Christian warrior, see him stand, 362The darkened sky, how thick it lowers, 607The day is past and gone, 951The evils that beset our path, 527The fountain in its source, 508The glorious universe around, 394The God of harvest praise, 876The God of mercy will indulge, 595The God who reigns alone, 137The heavenly spheres to thee, O God, 177The heaven of heavens cannot contain, 118The heavens declare his glory, 181The heavens declare thy glory, Lord, 185The heavens, O Lord, thy power proclaim, 178The hoary frost, the fleecy snow, 866The hours of evening close, 957The joyful morn, my God, is come, 62The King of heaven his table spreads, 277The last full wain has come,--has come, 879The leaves around me falling, 865The long lost son, with streaming eyes, 324The Lord descended from above, 144The Lord is on his holy throne, 1005The Lord Jehovah reigns, 113The Lord my pasture shall prepare, 495The Lord of glory is my light, 645The Lord our God is clothed with might, 105The Lord will come and not be slow, 285The man in life wherever placed, 413The mellow eve is gliding, 944The morning dawns upon the place, 227The mourners came at break of day, 605Theories which thousands cherish, 1002The past is dark with sin and shame, 999The perfect world by Adam trod, 697The promises I sing, 639The radiant dawn of gospel light, 311There is a God, all nature speaks, 101There is a hope, a blessed hope, 380There is a land mine eye hath seen, 564There is a land of pure delight, 555There is an hour of peaceful rest, 557There is a pure and peaceful wave, 991There is a time when moments flow, 960There is a world we have not seen, 560There's a refuge of peace from the tempests that beat, 25There's not a star whose twinkling light, 122There's not a place in earth's vast round, 147There sprang a tree of deadly name, 796There was joy in heaven, 333The saints on earth and those above, 395The Saviour gently calls, 669The Saviour, what a noble flame, 223These mortal joys, how soon they fade, 525The spacious firmament on high, 175The spirit in our hearts, 275The spirit moved upon the waves, 115The spring, the joyous spring is come, 862The thing my God doth hate, 490The triumphs of the martyred saints, 979The turf shall be my fragrant shrine, 183The vineyard of the Lord, 722The wandering star and fleeting wind, 326The year begins with promises, 858They who seek the throne of grace, 365Think gently of the erring, 813This child we dedicate to thee, 567This day let grateful praise ascend, 40This day the Lord hath called his own, 41This is the fast the Lord doth choose, 868This is the first and great command, 385This stone to thee in faith we lay, 696Thou art, Almighty, Lord of all, 141Thou art gone to the grave, 567Thou art, O God, the life and light, 174Thou art the way, and he who sighs, 243Thou book of life, in thee are found, 196Thou fount of love and grace,