Hymns for Christian Devotion. E. H. Chapin
holy Lord, the angels cry;
Thrice holy, let us sing.
2The deepest reverence of the mind
Pay, O my soul, to God;
Lift with thy hands a holy heart
To his sublime abode.
3With sacred awe pronounce his name,
Whom words nor thoughts can reach;
A broken heart shall please him more
Than the best forms of speech.
4Thou holy God! preserve my soul
From all pollution free;
The pure in heart are thy delight,
And they thy face shall see.
30. S. M. Urwick's Coll.
Pleasures of Spiritual Worship.
1How sweet to bless the Lord,
And in his praises join,
With saints his goodness to record,
And sing his power divine!
2These seasons of delight
The dawn of glory seem,
Like rays of pure, celestial light,
Which on our spirits beam.
3O, blest assurance this;
Bright morn of heavenly day;
Sweet foretaste of eternal bliss,
That cheers the pilgrim's way.
4Thus may our joys increase,
Our love more ardent grow,
While rich supplies of Jesus' grace
Refresh our souls below.
31. C. M. Watts.
God present in the Sanctuary.
1My Soul, how lovely is the place
To which thy God resorts!
'Tis heaven to see his smiling face,
Though in his earthly courts.
2There the great Monarch of the skies
His saving power displays;
And light breaks in upon our eyes
With kind and quickening rays.
3With his rich gifts the heavenly Dove
Descends and fills the place,
While Christ reveals his wondrous love,
And sheds abroad his grace.
4There, mighty God, thy words declare
The secrets of thy will;
And still we seek thy mercy there,
And sing thy praises still.
32. C. M. Pratt's Coll.
A Blessing sought.
1Again our earthly cares we leave,
And to thy courts repair;
Again, with joyful feet we come
To meet our Saviour here.
2The feeling heart, the melting eye,
The humble mind, bestow;
And shine upon us from on high,
To make our graces grow.
3May we in faith receive thy word,
In faith present our prayers,
And in the presence of our Lord
Unbosom all our cares.
4Show us some token of thy love,
Our fainting hope to raise,
And pour thy blessing from above,
That we may render praise.
33. L. M. Tate & Brady.
Public Worship.
1For thee, O God, our constant praise
In Zion waits, thy chosen seat;
Our promised altars there we'll raise,
And all our zealous vows complete.
2O thou, who to my humble prayer
Didst always bend thy listening ear,
To thee shall all mankind repair,
And at thy gracious throne appear.
3Our sins, though numberless, in vain
To stop thy flowing mercy try;
For thou wilt cleanse the guilty stain,
And wash away the crimson dye.
4Blest is the man, who, near thee placed,
Within thy sacred dwelling lives;
Whilst we at humbler distance taste
The vast delight thy worship gives.
34. L. M. Frothingham.
Truth and Love.
1O God, whose presence glows in all,
Within, around us, and above!
Thy word we bless, thy name we call,
Whose word is Truth, whose name is Love.
2That truth be with the heart believed
Of all who seek this sacred place;
With power proclaimed, in peace received--
Our spirits' light, thy Spirit's grace.
3That love its holy influence pour,
To keep us meek, and make us free,
And throw its binding blessing more
Round each with all, and all with thee.
4Send down its angel to our side--
Send in its calm upon the breast;
For we would know no other guide,
And we can need no other rest.
35. L. M. Montgomery.
Invoking a Blessing.
1Lord! when thy people seek thy face,