The inventions, researches and writings of Nikola Tesla. Thomas Commerford Martin
rotation or progression of the magnetic poles.
This new mode of operation will now be described. Fig. 72 is a side elevation of such motor. Fig. 73 is a side elevation of a more practicable and efficient embodiment of the invention. Fig. 74 is a central vertical section of the same in the plane of the axis of rotation.
Referring to Fig. 72, let X represent a large iron core, which may be composed of a number of sheets or laminæ of soft iron or steel. Surrounding this core is a coil Y, which is connected with a source E of rapidly varying currents. Let us consider now the magnetic conditions existing in this core at any point, as b, at or near the centre, and any other point, as a, nearer the surface. When a current impulse is started in the magnetizing coil Y, the section or part at a, being close to the coil, is immediately energized, while the section or part at b, which, to use a convenient expression, is "protected" by the intervening sections or layers between a and b, does not at once exhibit its magnetism. However, as the magnetization of a increases, b becomes also affected, reaching finally its maximum strength some time later than a. Upon the weakening of the current the magnetization of a first diminishes, while b still exhibits its maximum strength; but the continued weakening of a is attended by a subsequent weakening of b. Assuming the current to be an alternating one, a will now be reversed, while b still continues of the first imparted polarity. This action continues the magnetic condition of b, following that of a in the manner above described. If an armature—for instance, a simple disc F, mounted to rotate freely on an axis—be brought into proximity to the core, a movement of rotation will be imparted to the disc, the direction depending upon its position relatively to the core, the tendency being to turn the portion of the disc nearest to the core from a to b, as indicated in Fig. 72.
This action or principle of operation has been embodied in a practicable form of motor, which is illustrated in Fig. 73. Let A in that figure represent a circular frame of iron, from diametrically opposite points of the interior of which the cores project. Each core is composed of three main parts B, B and C, and they are similarly formed with a straight portion or body e, around which the energizing coil is wound, a curved arm or extension c, and an inwardly projecting pole or end d. Each core is made up of two parts B B, with their polar extensions reaching in one direction, and a part C between the other two, and with its polar extension reaching in the opposite direction. In order to lessen in the cores the circulation of currents induced therein, the several sections are insulated from one another in the manner usually followed in such cases. These cores are wound with coils D, which are connected in the same circuit, either in parallel or series, and supplied with an alternating or a pulsating current, preferably the former, by a generator E, represented diagrammatically. Between the cores or their polar extensions is mounted a cylindrical or similar armature F, wound with magnetizing coils G, closed upon themselves.
The operation of this motor is as follows: When a current impulse or alternation is directed through the coils D, the sections B B of the cores, being on the surface and in close proximity to the coils, are immediately energized. The sections C, on the other hand, are protected from the magnetizing influence of the coil by the interposed layers of iron B B. As the magnetism of B B increases, however, the sections C are also energized; but they do not attain their maximum strength until a certain time subsequent to the exhibition by the sections B B of their maximum. Upon the weakening of the current the magnetic strength of B B first diminishes, while the sections C have still their maximum strength; but as B B continue to weaken the interior sections are similarly weakened. B B may then begin to exhibit an opposite polarity, which is followed later by a similar change on C, and this action continues. B B and C may therefore be considered as separate field-magnets, being extended so as to act on the armature in the most efficient positions, and the effect is similar to that in the other forms of Tesla motor—viz., a rotation or progression of the maximum points of the field of force. Any armature—such, for instance, as a disc—mounted in this field would rotate from the pole first to exhibit its magnetism to that which exhibits it later.
It is evident that the principle here described may be carried out in conjunction with other means for securing a more favorable or efficient action of the motor. For example, the polar extensions of the sections C may be wound or surrounded by closed coils. The effect of these coils will be to still more effectively retard the magnetization of the polar extensions of C.
Another Type of Tesla Induction Motor.
It will have been gathered by all who are interested in the advance of the electrical arts, and who follow carefully, step by step, the work of pioneers, that Mr. Tesla has been foremost to utilize inductive effects in permanently closed circuits, in the operation of alternating motors. In this chapter one simple type of such a motor is described and illustrated, which will serve as an exemplification of the principle.
Let it be assumed that an ordinary alternating current generator is connected up in a circuit of practically no self-induction, such, for example, as a circuit containing incandescent lamps only. On the operation of the machine, alternating currents will be developed in the circuit, and the phases of these currents will theoretically coincide with the phases of the impressed electromotive force. Such currents may be regarded and designated as the "unretarded currents."
It will be understood, of course, that in practice there is always more or less self-induction in the circuit, which modifies to a corresponding extent these conditions; but for convenience this may be disregarded in the consideration of the principle of operation, since the same laws apply. Assume next that a path of currents be formed across any two points of the above circuit, consisting, for example, of the primary of an induction device. The phases of the currents passing through the primary, owing to the self-induction of the same, will not coincide with the phases of the impressed electromotive force, but will lag behind, such lag being directly proportional to the self-induction and inversely proportional to the resistance of the said coil. The insertion of this coil will also cause a lagging or retardation of the currents traversing and delivered by the generator behind the impressed electromotive force, such lag being the mean or resultant of the lag of the current through the primary alone and of the "unretarded current" in the entire working circuit. Next consider the conditions imposed by the association in inductive relation with the primary coil, of a secondary coil. The current generated in the secondary coil will react upon the primary current, modifying the retardation of the same, according to the amount of self-induction and resistance in the secondary circuit. If the secondary circuit has but little self-induction—as, for instance, when it contains incandescent lamps only—it will increase the actual difference of phase between its own and the primary current, first, by diminishing the lag between the primary current and the impressed electromotive force, and, second, by its own lag or retardation behind the impressed electromotive force. On the other hand, if the secondary circuit have a high self-induction, its lag behind the current in the primary is directly increased, while it will be still further increased if the primary have a very low self-induction. The better results are obtained when the primary has a low self-induction.
Fig. 75. | Fig. 76. |
Fig. 75 is a diagram of a Tesla motor embodying this principle. Fig. 76 is a similar diagram of a modification of the same. In Fig. 75 let A designate the field-magnet