A Text-book of Paper-making. C. F. Cross

A Text-book of Paper-making - C. F. Cross

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survived a treatment which we know to be destructive to cellulose. If, on the other hand, cork be resolved by treatment with sodium sulphite solution at 100lb. pressure, or 166° C. (331° F.), a soft mass is obtained, preserving the structural features of the original cork, until subjected to slight pressure, when it falls to a cellular mass. From this, cellulose is isolated by any of the less drastic processes above described, and is found to amount to 9–10% of the original cork. As in ligno-cellulose, we have evidence of a transition from cellulose to the tannins, so in cork and cuticular tissue we have evidence of the metamorphosis of cellulose into fats, a fact indicated in the term adipo-cellulose, which we have applied to the compound celluloses constituting these protective plant tissues. This metamorphosis is doubtless a very complex process, and would appear to involve the formation of tannins also, at least as a subsidiary result. Still, the essential feature of the change is the production of the peculiar fat-like substances which have been described; and with due regard to the limitation pointed out, the views here advanced represent the results of the investigations of the subject as far as they have proceeded.


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      —The compound cellulose described under the names adipo-cellulose and ligno-cellulose have this feature in common, that they are richer in carbon than cellulose. On the other hand there is a large number of cellulosic tissues which contain in the aggregate less carbon, i.e., in which the cellulose is combined or mixed with substances of lower carbon percentage than itself. Such tissues, or rather the substances which compose them, are resolved by simple treatment with dilute alkaline solutions into insoluble cellulose, and soluble bodies of the pectic class. Thus the purified bast of the Russian flax, i.e., the raw flax, is found to contain—

43·7 per cent. C.
5·9 H.

      On boiling with an alkali it loses in weight about 20 per cent., the substance dissolved being identical in properties with Frémy’s pectic acid, a substance containing 42 per cent. C and 4.8 per cent. H = C16H22O15. Many other bast fibres, as well as cellulose tissues, exhibit similar properties, and although this branch of the subject has been but little investigated, there is sufficient evidence for constituting a special class of compound celluloses under this term, pecto-cellulose, having properties indicated in the type selected above.

      In addition to pectic acid there exists in, or can readily be obtained from certain plants, a series of bodies of a similar nature, such as pectose, pectin, parapectic acid and metapectic acid. The most important of these are pectic acid and metapectic acid.

      Pectic acid, though it rarely exists ready-formed in the plant, can readily be obtained from it by the action of weak alkalis. It is best procured by boiling the pulp of turnips with a 10 per cent. solution of sodium carbonate for about half an hour. If an acid be added to the filtered liquid, pectic acid is precipitated as a transparent colourless jelly, which {29} dries up to a transparent horny mass. By the prolonged action of alkalis or acids, pectic acid is converted into metapectic acid (C8H14O9), which may be obtained as a syrupy, strongly acid liquid.

      From what we know of the properties of the members of the pectic group, and therefore of the pecto-celluloses, it will be readily seen that the latter are very liable under the action of alkalis to undergo conversion into soluble derivatives.

      Conversely, a study of the action of alkalis upon plant substances, enables us to determine to what extent the latter partake of the nature of the pecto-cellulose, the importance of which to the practical paper maker we need hardly point out. For a further development of this idea (see p. 43).


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      We now have to treat of the fibrous raw materials from the point of view of form or structure, which is, of course, a very important factor in determining the quality of the paper or other fabric into which they are manufactured. It is sufficiently evident that the strength of paper is primarily due to the cohesion of its constituent fibres. When paper is torn, the edges present a fibrous appearance, and observation teaches us that, other things being equal, the greater the manifestation of fibrous structure the stronger will be the paper. If a paper be thoroughly wetted, its tensile strength is reduced to a minimum, and if subjected to a slight strain we get, not a tearing, but a pulling asunder of the fibres. If this be performed under a lens, the structure of the paper is more clearly seen, and it will be appreciated to what extent the qualities of a paper are the aggregate of the qualities of its constituent fibres. A more careful dissection of the paper shows that these fibres, which are the ultimate fibres of the plant, as distinguished from the bundles of these, or filaments, which the spinner employs, are interlaced in all directions. To produce this effect of interweaving, and to insure that uniformity which is an essential feature of good paper, we have among others the following contributory causes: (1) the deposition of the fibres from suspension in water; (2) the composition of the pulp with regard to the reduction of the fibrous bundles, and the isolation of the individual fibres; and (3) the structure of these ultimate fibres. It is with the last that we are chiefly concerned at present.

      To convey a general notion of the influence of the structure {31} of fibres upon fabrics, we shall with advantage travel outside our immediate province to consider briefly the woollen and silk manufactures in relation to this point. Wool is, as we know, a discontinuous fibre, and its structure is that represented in Fig. 1, the most conspicuous feature being its broken surface, consisting apparently of imbricated scales.

      FIG. 1.

      The silk fibre, on the other hand, is a dual cylinder, spun by the worm in a continuous length, and with a perfectly smooth surface. Now, it would not be to our purpose to point out that in starting from a discontinuous simple fibre, to produce a continuous, therefore necessarily compound one, a very different treatment or process of spinning is required from that which the opposite condition renders practicable. We will rather consider the influence of structure upon materials manufactured from these fibres. It is obvious that the wool fibres, brought into contact with one another, tend to interlock; whereas silk fibres if rubbed or pressed together, simply slide over one another; the result in the fabric is by multiplication of the effect, a shrinking or contracting in length and breadth. This interaction of the fibres, and the phenomena to which it gives rise, is known as the felting of wool and woollen goods; this tendency, for the contrary reason, is not seen in silk fabrics. The production of paper from a disintegrated fibrous mass or pulp introduces similar considerations. That paper will be the stronger in which the constituent fibres are the better felted, and the degree in which felting takes place will depend to a great extent upon the form or microscopic peculiarities of the fibres. This is only one of the more obvious inferences to be drawn from the structure of fibres to the qualities of the papers which they compose. Other {32} equally important practical bearings will be seen to attach to the microscopic study of our fibrous raw materials, and to the consideration of this branch

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