Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies. James Mooney

Native Americans: 22 Books on History, Mythology, Culture & Linguistic Studies - James Mooney

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alt="Illustration: Navaho Women"/>

      Navaho Women

English Apache Jicarilla Navaho
arm ko-gún gŏn a-gán
food chi-zú̆n ai-tá-i chi-án
forest gụd-nlh-chíl ku-dŏn-chíl tsĭn
god ya-á-diz-tan bi-tsa-shĕ-ndá-ĭ ye
jewels tsĕ-rụ-dé̆n-lĭg-gĕ n'klĭz
large n'chai n'tsai n'tsa
pollen há-dĭn-tĭn tlâsh tá-dĭ-tĭn
small ăl-chí̆-se ŭns-tsé̆s-tĕ yá-zhĕ
spirits chĭdn kuts-áin tsĭ*n-di
spirit-land chĭdn-túh-yo bits-áin bĕ-kĕ-yá
tobacco tzĭlh-ná-to ná-to-tĕ n'át'o
turquoise du-tlí̆sh-ĭ da-tlí̆sh-ĕ dó-tlĭsh


      The Cherokee Nation of Indians

       Table of Contents

Charles C. Royce


       Treaty Concluded November 28, 17852

       Material Provisions

       Historical Data

       Fernando de Soto's Expedition

       Early Traditions

       Early Contact with Virginia Colonists

       Early Relations with Carolina Colonists

       Mention by Various Early Authors

       Territory of Cherokees at Period of English Settlement


       Old Cherokee Towns

       Expulsion of Shawnees by Cherokees and Chickasaws

       Treaty Relations with the Colonies

       Treaty Relations with the United States

       Proceedings at Treaty of Hopewell


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