Essay on the Classification of the Insane. M. Card Allen

Essay on the Classification of the Insane - M. Card Allen

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influence, they rapidly expedited my success. Thanks to the zeal and exertion of all those friends who were anxious to counteract the effect which these falsehoods were calculated to make against me; they spoke from personal experience, and with all the ardour which gratitude and justice could inspire.

      The design, therefore, of publishing it as a part and continuation of my defence, was gladly abandoned. Many of the first sheets, however, containing no improper allusion to this case, remain: I mention this, because it accounts for that which might otherwise appear an abrupt commencement, especially to those who have not previously read that defence. On this account, I shall bind up that defence, (without additional expense) at the end of this Essay, for those who may wish to have this connexion before them. It is necessary, also, to inform the reader of the origin of this Essay, for another reason, in order that he may understand (and I trust, also, under such circumstances, he will excuse) why there is so much personal minuteness in describing our system of procedure and exertions, which could not, and would not, otherwise, have been obtruded on the public.

      But if, after being thus justified and compelled to come forth in my defence, the matter should be found useful, either to myself or mankind, it would be foolish affectation to seem to feel shame and regret by too anxiously apologising and explaining the origin and consequent peculiar complexion of this publication, or of those which may follow in regular succession. And it is a truth, that it has increased my zeal and strengthened my resolve to prosecute that most useful of all studies, the study of mind—its errors and diseases, with, I trust, so ardent a love of the truth, that I earnestly pray I may be enabled to trace every error to its source; for so much does the ground appear to me to be untrodden, that I pray also, that opportunity, life, health, and encouragement may be given me to complete the work I have to do, that, however slender my talents may be, I may yet feel that they have not been given me altogether in vain.

      In explaining in this Essay all the plans necessary to the moral and physical purposes of an efficient system of Classification, I have had slightly to introduce many cases and subjects to illustrate my present purpose; and feeling that I had not done them or myself justice, I have said, on these occasions, I shall hereafter treat this case or subject more amply in that part of the work in which they will be more directly and specifically introduced.

      Having thus incidently introduced many subjects without their being under any specific head or title, I shall, to enable the reader to form some conception of the matter, give in the contents something like a minute dissection of the whole.

      From all this, and also from what I say in my former work on Insanity, as well as in Allen v. Dutton, it will be seen that I have been induced to give pledge after pledge so repeatedly, that it becomes a serious matter, “partaking of the nature of a solemn obligation;” if, therefore, I fail to exert myself to redeem these pledges, I cannot have the excuse of those who promise without even intending to perform.

      In the preliminary remarks of Allen v. Dutton, I say at the conclusion, “I find I must do even more than this, (meaning the defence); for my defence would still be imperfect without a short statement of my views on the insane. For this purpose, I propose to write the following Essays:

      1st.—On Classification, and Tables in Illustration. [vi]

      2nd.—The different Divisions, into which I divide the Insane.

      3rd.—Their General and Specific Character.

      4th.—The Correspondence between Causes and Effects.

      5th.—That the Study of Mind will evolve the Principle of Universal Generalization.

      6th.—Their Moral and Medical Treatment.

      7th.—A Selection of Cases in Illustration.

      By this I shall be able to give a more full and perfect understanding of the peculiar character and proper treatment of this particular case; and by which will be seen, though imperfectly, something of those principles, and of that spirit which has pervaded the whole of our conduct to all those entrusted to our care.

      “To do all this, in connexion with the above case, would not be right, were I influenced by any improper spirit; but as my conviction is confirmed by experience, that these unjust persecutions, provided we use them rightly, are for our good, I feel in no danger of indulging in any spirit, but a spirit of gratitude and forgiveness.”

      From all this, (whatever variation I may make in the plan as I proceed) as well as from what I say in my first work on Insanity, where the same principle and mode of procedure is adopted, it will be seen that my task is not a slight one. In the preface to that work, I say,

      “Many subjects, not usually included in works of this kind, will be introduced; but as my reasons for doing so will best explain themselves in due course, and as one subject will be introductory to another, it is unnecessary to mention them now, particularly as it might excite critical objections, which I would rather wish to disarm than pretend to brave.

      “Without presuming on the experience, knowledge, or the materials I may possess, of this I am confident, that so long as I am conscious that the love of truth is my pole-star, so long will my faith continue firm in this, that with patience and perseverance, and the love of truth for our guide, scarcely any man’s powers are so limited but he may hope to acquire some clearer views, or perhaps make some discoveries in the matters he has undertaken to investigate.

      “The objects of my enquiries are very numerous, and involve so many either undiscovered or unadmitted truths, which are so closely connected with subjects of inquiry the most interesting, that I have adopted this slow and humble plan of proceeding for the present, and have suspended, for a while, my first purpose of publishing a systematic treatise on insanity.”

      It is intended that each publication shall contain one subject, at least, in some measure complete, so that each part may have its distinctive title, and be had separately.

      The study of mental philosophy, of which insanity is a very important part, is, of all studies, provided we are on the road where truth is the guide, the most useful to our moral state. This belief was the first motive which induced me, now more than thirty years ago, to direct my medical attention to this most radically-important, though hitherto-neglected branch of the profession, as well as to whatever seemed best calculated to make me understand the sources of all erroneous and extreme views, and which a series of painful circumstances through life have excited and continually strengthened; but it is not necessary to state them: I may, however, mention that, as early as 1807, I visited lunatic asylums con amoré, and that in 1816, 1817, 1818, and 1819, I was engaged in lecturing on Mind and its Diseases. Before this time, I had no conception that I should ever be exclusively devoted to this department of the profession, which circumstances at that period forced upon me. I trust, however, that I have endeavoured to profit by the opportunities which this new situation afforded me of more fully comprehending the nature of mind, its connection with life and organization, its diseased manifestations, and of ascertaining the best modes of co-operating with nature in the removal of them; and, at any rate, it is certain that, for the purpose of lessening the miseries and increasing the comforts of those under my care, I, for the most part, have sacrificed every personal consideration.

      From 1819 to 1824, I continued medical resident and superintendant of York Asylum; and on leaving it, it was voted unanimously, “That I deserved the thanks of the Governors, for my constant and successful efforts in establishing and perfecting the mild system of treatment there.” I was again engaged in lecturing, at the request of several institutions, on Mind and its Diseases; soon afterwards, in 1825, I fixed on this situation, as the best adapted of any part of the country about London which I saw, (and I spent several weeks in the examination; nor have I since that time seen any I like better) to carry into effect my views of the treatment of the insane, either as respects the recovery or the comfort of recent or confirmed cases; for here, together with domestic comfort, diversity of occupations and amusements suited to their various states, the retirement, pure air, and sweet scenery around, afford ample scope for walks, without annoyance, and apparently without restraint; which, with judicious moral and medical management, combine many acknowledged

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