Final Report of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission. Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commission
SECTION I. For the development of the exposition to the full extent of the general plan as outlined, provision will be made for the installation and care of exhibits, and for the construction of exhibition palaces, ample and adequate to the theoretical and physical scope of the exposition.
SEC. II. For the purposes of installation and review of exhibits
a classification has been adopted. The classification heretofore
adopted has been divided into a number of departments, each of
which is again divided into groups and subdivided into classes.
Under this scope and plan the exposition will be constructed,
the installation perfected, and the system of awards conducted.
In conformity therewith the following exhibit departments are
created: Department A—Education; Department B—Art; Department
C—Liberal Arts; Department D—Manufactures; Department
E—Machinery; Department F—Electricity; Department
G—Transportation; Department H—Agriculture; Department
J—Horticulture; Department K—Forestry; Department L—Mines and
Metallurgy; Department M—Fish and Game; Department
N—Anthropology; Department O—Social Economy; Department
P—Physical Culture.
Exhibits shall be classified into 15 departments, in 144 groups,
and in 807 classes.
SECTION I. The directors of the four executive divisions, and the chief of the different departments thereunder, may promulgate special rules and regulations governing the more minute and technical details of the operation of the respective departments.
SEC. II. The director of exhibits shall have general charge of the installation of all exhibits and the control and management of the same.
SECTION I. The general classification is hereby made a part of these rules and regulations.
SEC. II. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company reserves the right, subject to the approval of the Commission, to amend or correct the classification at any time before the opening of the exposition by giving thirty days' public notice.
SECTION I. The price of admission will be 50 cents.
SEC. II. While the broadest construction will be placed upon the rights of exhibitors and their agents to free admission to the grounds for the purpose of caring for their respective exhibits, it is intended to restrict these courtesies within reasonable limits.
SECTION I. No charge will be made for space allotted for exhibits.
SEC. II. No charge will be made for space allotted for buildings of foreign governments, or the United States Government, or of the State, Territorial, or District governments of the United States.
SECTION I. Exhibitors of manufactured articles must be the manufacturers or producers thereof.
SEC. II. The country where an exhibit is produced, and not the citizenship of the exhibitor, will determine the nationality of an exhibit.
SEC. III. Each foreign nation participating in the exposition will be accorded an official representative, to be accredited to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, through the Secretary of State of the United States, or otherwise.
SEC. IV. Allotment of space to exhibitors from countries where governments have appointed official representatives to the exposition will be made by or through such representatives.
SEC. V. While it is expected, as far as possible, to confine negotiations in the United States to the official representatives of the respective States, Territories, and Districts, the right is reserved to confer directly with individuals.
SECTION I. All applications for space for buildings must be filed on or before July 1, 1902.
SEC. II. Application for space for exhibits in the buildings of the exposition must be filed on or before the respective dates following, to wit:
(a) For machinery and mechanical appliances intended for exhibition in operation October 1, 1902.
(b) For machinery and mechanical appliances not intended for
exhibition in operation, November 1, 1902.
(c) For works of art, natural and manufactured products not
herein expressly classified, December 1, 1902.
(d) For special concessions to individuals, associations, or corporations, December 1, 1902.
SEC. III. All applications for space must be in writing, addressed to the president of the exposition, and should be presented on forms which will be furnished by the Exposition Company.
SEC. IV. Each application for space for exhibits must be accompanied by a sketch, drawn to a scale of one-fourth of an inch to the foot, showing the ground floor plan, and, if possible, the front elevation and general outlines. These installation plans and schemes must receive the indorsement of the chief of the department in which the exhibit is to be located, and the approval of the director of exhibits, and must conform to the general architectural design for the treatment of the interior of the building as prepared by the director of works.
SEC. V. Permits for space will not be transferable, and exhibitors will be confined to such exhibits as are specified in their applications.
SECTION I. All communications relating to the exposition should be addressed to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company, St. Louis, U.S.A.
SEC. II. All packages containing exhibits must be addressed to the president of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company.
SEC. III. Direction labels will be furnished by the Exposition Company to be attached to each package. This label must be filled out so as to convey the following information:
(a) The department in which the exhibit is to be installed.
(b) The country, State, or Territory from which the package is consigned.
(c) The name and address of the exhibitor and the total number of packages sent by such exhibitor.
SEC. IV. In boxing or casing any material intended for exhibition, screws should be employed in preference to nails or steel hoops, and packages should be addressed on two or more sides. Each package should contain a list of the goods therein.
SEC. V. Consignments intended for different buildings should be in separate packages, and not be included in the same box, crate, or barrel.
SEC. VI. Freight and express charges and all charges appertaining to the transportation of material belonging to individuals, such as exhibits, building material, concession material and supplies, etc., must be prepaid at the point of shipment, and the goods delivered at the exposition clear of all charges of any description incident to the transportation.
SECTION I. If no authorized person is at hand to take charge of an exhibit within