Famous Privateersmen and Adventurers of the Sea. Charles H. L. Johnston

Famous Privateersmen and Adventurers of the Sea - Charles H. L. Johnston

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      But the knave laughed derisively—so derisively that the common people dubbed him “Sir Judas Stukeley.” And it well suited him. Didn’t it?

      The boatmen rowed directly to the Tower and the boat which had pursued the wherries—which contained a courtier named Herbert (to whom Stukeley had betrayed the projected escape)—followed them close. The soldiers in her (for they had been well hidden) escorted the dejected Sir Walter to the grim walls of the dungeon.

       There was now no hope for that gallant adventurer: the man had brought honor and renown to England. He was tried for Treason: condemned: executed.

      As he stood waiting for the axe to fall, he said:

      “I have many sins for which to beseech God’s pardon. For a long time my course was a course of vanity. I have been a seafaring man, a soldier, and a courtier; and, in the temptations of the least of these there is enough to overthrow a good mind and a good man. I die in the faith professed by the Church of England. I hope to be saved, and to have my sins washed away by the precious blood and merits of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.”

      A quick shudder ran through the multitude when Sir Walter had ceased to live, and many groaned aloud at the horrible sight. One stout yeoman cried out angrily, “We have not had such another head to be cut off.”

      The crowd separated slowly, muttering and crying out against the enemies of the valiant man; while his friends, who were present, parted with tears coursing down their cheeks.

      And the jealous courtiers said: “Magnificent!” It was now their turn to shout. And they did it, too.

      So, you see, Sir Walter Raleigh’s patriotism was paid for by death. The trouble with him was, he was too much of a man.

      Nowadays—when a soldier or sailor does something for England—they give him a Hip! Hip! Hurray!

       He is appreciated. He is presented with titles, honors, and a warm reception.

      Then, when a man did something for England, those in power gave him the cold shoulder; the icy stare.

      That’s the reason why England’s sons will do something for her now. If she had kept treating them as she did Sir Walter Raleigh she wouldn’t have many of them around when it came to a fight. And, some day, she’ll need them all!

      So when a fellow does something really great, don’t greet him with frozen silence. Cheer! He needs it! Besides—it won’t hurt you!

       Give a tiger and three times three!

       Table of Contents

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