Her Rogue Mates. Grace Goodwin

Her Rogue Mates - Grace Goodwin

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She would do as I said, even in this.

      Her eyes, before now, were a little wild and too focused on what we were doing. She was panicking. But after those three words, her gaze met mine, her pupils dilated so most of the deep green disappeared and she focused. On me.

      “Look at me,” I ordered and her gaze locked to mine. Held.

      I lowered her arms and shifted so my back was against the wall, spun her about and pulled her in front of me, positioning her back so it pressed to my chest.

      Blade watched with a knowing grin on his face, waiting patiently for what I was about to offer him.

      Our mate’s sweet, wet pussy.

      “What are you—” My mate never finished her question as I tangled my hand in her hair at the base of her neck and angled her chin up until our lips nearly collided. The position left her turned and vulnerable. Open to Blade’s attention.

      I lowered my lips to brush hers and whispered. “Blade is going to lower your pants and taste you, Harper. He’s going to suck your clit into his mouth and make you scream.”

      Harper panted, her eyes dilated with desire as I tugged on her hair. The slight twinge of pain made her gasp, her heart racing in her chest faster than I’d ever heard, as frantic as she was. “Do you want to come?” I asked.

      Blade’s hands settled on her hips, at the waist of her pants, and we waited for her response.

      A shudder passed through her, but she held my gaze. “Yes.”

      Lips still barely touching hers, I held her still as Blade undid the fastening on the front of her pants, tugged them down so her pussy was exposed. While I had no direct view, Blade did, and I watched as his jaw clenched with need. He licked his lips as if he were salivating to get a taste. We were both on high alert, listening for unwanted company, but I knew this station, knew most of its people. Unless her nosy team members came looking for her, no one would dare interrupt.

      Blade dropped to his knees before our mate, who still stood, legs slightly parted, but not enough. She hadn’t given us everything, not yet, was still hanging on to a thread of control.

      “Open your legs, Harper,” I commanded.

      Blade shook his head. “Not enough. I want her spread wide for me.”

      He yanked at one of her boots, tugged it off, then worked her pants down and off one leg. Hooking a hand behind her bare knee, he placed it over his shoulder so she was open and exposed for him. Perfect.

      “Don’t move until Blade gives you permission. Do you understand?”

      She swallowed, hard, and settled, giving herself over to what we were doing to her. The simple gesture was submission. Trust. It was so sweet. I held her weight so she was wide open, her pussy on display. Open and eager for Blade’s mouth.

      Leaning back just a bit, I watched her cheeks flush, heard her breathing change.

      Blade slid his hands along her thighs to her pussy lips and spread her open, his body tensing with barely controlled lust. He leaned close, his tongue sliding over her folds just once as a shudder racked his body. “She’s hot and so fucking wet for us, Styx. Dripping.”

      He waited for my next command, knew if he touched her before I gave permission, I’d torture him, make them both wait. Harper was mine. Blade was mine. Their pleasure was mine as well. The need to control them both was pure animal instinct, and I didn’t fight it, not when I was in a battle, and not when I held a willing female in my thrall. That Harper was my mate only increased my drive to dominate.

      Blade held perfectly still, her wet pussy lips held open and ready for his tongue. His fingers. His cock.

      But that I would not allow. Not here.

      Her pussy was mine, and I would not take it here, in a hallway. When I fucked her, I would take my time, fill her over and over for hours.

      Silence thickened in the hallway like a drug, and I watched her expression change, fascinated by the unfiltered honesty I saw in her eyes. Holding her weight on my thighs, I used my free hand to explore the curve of her breast, her hip.

      Unable to deny myself, I dipped lower, to her wet heat, and speared deep, buried two fingers in her wet pussy.

      Her moan made my cock throb as I worked her just enough to get her to the edge, but not over. Blade’s gaze followed the movement of my hand, transfixed. He breathed deeply as her scent filled the hallway. Sweet, musky, addictive.

      When she was shaking, her head loose in my hold, I stopped, removed my fingers, licked them. Gods, she tasted so good.

      “Styx.” My name on her lips was a sound I would never forget, her cheeks flushed, her body trembling on the edge of release. “Please.”

      “Blade will taste you now, but you will not come without permission. Do you understand? You will look at me, keep your eyes open. But do not come.”

      “I can’t—”

      Blade’s mouth locked onto her clit and she bucked in my arms, her words forgotten.

      “Fuck her with your fingers, Blade. Feel how tight and hot she is. But don’t let her come.”

      His grin was wild, filled with eagerness, and I knew he would not argue.

      I studied her expression, learning every nuance and flicker of emotion as Blade worked her clit with his mouth, her hips rocked forward and back, her lush ass rested on top of my hard thighs.

      So perfect. So responsive. So submissive.

      Her gaze was locked onto mine, but her eyes were unfocused, unseeing, lost in what Blade was doing to her body.

      He started and stopped, teasing her as I’d ordered him to do. She knew, her body pliant and soft in my arms. Blade worked her until the dazed look was replaced by frantic need, until she tugged against the hand I still held buried in her hair hard enough to make her eyes water, one word falling from her lips over and over.

      “Please, please, please.” The chant was quiet, desperate, not really words but though a constant plea.

      “Look at me.” My voice was hard, commanding, and her gaze cleared long enough for me to make sure she knew who held her, who controlled her body now, who she belonged to.

      “You’re mine, Harper. Say it.”


      With a smile I knew was more animal than man, I lifted my free hand and wrapped it around her neck.

      As I suspected, her eyelids fluttered and closed, her entire body responding to the dominance in my touch, melting. Satisfied at last, I leaned down and brushed her ear with my lips.

      “Come, Harper. Come now.”

      The command set her off like an ion blast, and I kissed her to bury the scream as Blade conquered her pussy, fucked her with his fingers, sucked her clit, made her buck and whimper and lose all sense of herself.

      He made her come again and again, until she shook in my arms, tears streaming down her cheeks.

      I kissed them away as Blade brought her down slowly, gently. His kisses no longer rough or demanding, but gentle. Soft. Full of tenderness, meant to soothe rather than arouse.

      “Harper?” I released her hair to cup her cheek in my hand. She was so small, so delicate. The sight of her surrender one I would never grow tired of.

      Her chin tipped up, her mouth fell open just as her eyes closed. “Yes,” she breathed, her muscles lax as I held her and Blade’s hands roamed her legs and hips in slow, gentle motions meant to calm our wild mate.

      “You’re beautiful,” I murmured, unwilling to move from my position along the wall, unable to give her up. The press of my cock against her lower back was almost painful, my balls drawn up tight and ready to flood her with my seed. But not here, in a bed and then I would—


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