Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography). Lord Byron

Childe Harold's Pilgrimage (With Byron's Biography) - Lord  Byron

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Danube is sped,174 Let the yellow-haired175 Giaours176 view his horse-tail177 with dread; When his Delhis178 come dashing in blood o'er the banks, How few shall escape from the Muscovite ranks!





      In all save form alone, how changed! and who

       That marks the fire still sparkling in each eye,

       Who but would deem their bosoms burned anew


      Hereditary Bondsmen! know ye not


      The city won for Allah from the Giaour

       The Giaour from Othman's race again may wrest;

       And the Serai's impenetrable tower


      Yet mark their mirth—ere Lenten days begin,

       That penance which their holy rites prepare

       To shrive from Man his weight of mortal sin,

       By daily abstinence and nightly prayer;

       But ere his sackcloth garb Repentance wear,

       Some days of joyaunce are decreed to all,

       To take of pleasaunce each his secret share,

       In motley robe to dance at masking ball,

       And join the mimic train of merry Carnival.

      And whose more rife with merriment than thine,

       Oh Stamboul! once the Empress of their reign?

       Though turbans now pollute Sophia's shrine,

       And Greece her very altars eyes in vain:

       (Alas! her woes will still pervade my strain!)

       Gay were her minstrels once, for free her throng,

       All felt the common joy they now must feign,

       Nor oft I've seen such sight, nor heard such song,

       As wooed the eye, and thrilled the Bosphorus along.



      Glanced many a light Caique along the foam,

       Danced on the shore the daughters of the land,

       No thought had man or maid of rest or home,

       While many a languid eye and thrilling hand

       Exchanged the look few bosoms may withstand,

       Or gently prest, returned the pressure still:

       Oh Love! young Love! bound in thy rosy band,

       Let sage or cynic prattle as he will,


      But, midst the throng in merry masquerade,

       Lurk there no hearts that throb with secret pain,


      This must he feel, the true-born son of Greece,

       If Greece one true-born patriot still can boast:

       Not such as prate of War, but skulk in Peace,


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