The Native Races (Vol. 1-5). Hubert Howe Bancroft
I am indebted for the only information of value relating to the medical usages of the southern California tribes, to Boscana's MS., literally translated by Robinson in his Life in Cal., pp. 310–14, and also given in substance in Mofras, Explor., tom. ii., pp. 378–9, and to Reid's papers on the Indians of Los Angeles County, in the Los Angeles Star, also quoted in Cal. Farmer, Jan. 11, 1861.
601. See Mofras, Explor., tom. ii., pp. 377–8, and plate, p. 248, and Hoffmann, in San Francisco Medical Press, vol. v., p. 152.
602. 'The same custom is now in use, but not only applied to deaths, but to their disappointments and adversities in life, thus making public demonstration of their sorrow.' Boscana, in Robinson's Life in Cal., pp. 314–15.
603. California Farmer, May 22, 1863.
604. Reid, in Los Angeles Star.
605. The latitude of which he fixes at 34° 33´.
606. Fages, in Nouvelles Annales des Voy., 1844, tom. ci., pp. 173–4. Quoted almost literally by Marmier, Notice, in Bryant, Voy. en Cal., p. 230.
607. Boscana, in Robinson's Life in Cal., p. 317.
608. In spelling the word Shoshone, I have followed the most common orthography. Many, however, write it Shoshonee, others, Shoshonie, either of which would perhaps give a better idea of the pronunciation of the word, as the accent falls on the final e. The word means 'Snake Indian,' according to Stuart, Montana, p. 80; and 'inland,' according to Ross, Fur Hunters, vol. i., p. 249. I apply the name Shoshones to the whole of this family; the Shoshones proper, including the Bannacks, I call the Snakes; the remaining tribes I name collectively Utahs.
609. See Ross' Fur Hunters, vol. i., p. 249; Parker's Explor. Tour, pp. 228–9; Remy and Brenchley's Journey, vol. i., p. 124; Chandless' Visit, p. 118; Farnham's Life in Cal., p. 377; Carvalho's Incid. of Trav., p. 200; Graves, in Ind. Aff. Rept., 1854, p. 178; Beckwith, in Pac. R. R. Rept., vol. ii., p. 42; Farley's Sanitary Rept., in San Francisco Medical Press, vol. iii., p. 154; Lord's Nat., vol. i., p. 298; Domenech's Deserts, vol. i., p. 88; Hesperian Magazine, vol. x., p. 255; Schoolcraft's Arch., vol. v., p. 197; Prince, quoted in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861; Townsend's Nar., pp. 125, 133; Bryant, Voy. en Cal., pp. 152, 194; Coke's Rocky Mountains, p. 276; Fremont's Explor. Ex., pp. 148, 267; Lewis and Clarke's Trav., p. 312; Figuier's Human Race, p. 484; Burton's City of the Saints, p. 585. Mention is made by Salmeron of a people living south of Utah Lake, who were 'blancas, y rosadas las mejillas como los franceses.' Doc. Hist. Mex., serie iii., tom. iv., p. 101. Escalante, speaking of Indians seen in the same region, lat. 39° 34´ 37´´, says: 'Eran estos de los barbones, y narices agujeradas, y en su idioma se nombran Tirangapui, Tian los cinco, que con su capitan venieron primero, tan crecida la barba, que parecian padres capuchinos ó belemitas.' Doc. Hist. Mex., serie ii., tom. i., p. 476. Wilkes writes, 'Southwest of the Youta Lake live a tribe who are known by the name of the Monkey Indians; a term which is not a mark of contempt, but is supposed to be a corruption of their name. … They are reported to live in fastnesses among high mountains; to have good clothing and houses; to manufacture blankets, shoes, and various other articles, which they sell to the neighboring tribes. Their colour is as light as that of the Spaniards; and the women in particular are very beautiful, with delicate features, and long flowing hair. … Some have attempted to connect these with an account of an ancient Welsh colony, which others had thought they discovered among the Mandans of the Missouri; while others were disposed to believe they might still exist in the Monkeys of the Western Mountains. There is another account which speaks of the Monquoi Indians, who formerly inhabited Lower California, and were partially civilized by the Spanish missionaries, but who have left that country, and of whom all traces have long since been lost.' Wilkes' Nar., in U. S. Ex. Ex., vol. iv., pp. 502–3. 'On the southern boundary of Utah exists a peculiar race, of whom little is known. They are said to be fair-skinned, and are called the "White Indians;" have blue eyes and straight hair, and speak a kind of Spanish language differing from other tribes.' San Francisco Evening Bulletin, May 15, 1863. Taylor has a note on the subject, in which he says that these fair Indians were doubtless the Moquis of Western New Mexico. Cal. Farmer, June 26, 1863. Although it is evident that this mysterious and probably mythic people belong in no way to the Shoshone family, yet as they are mentioned by several writers as dwelling in a region which is surrounded on all sides by Shoshones, I have given this note, wherefrom the reader can draw his own conclusions.
610. Beckwith, in Pac. R. R. Rept., vol. ii., p. 42; Heap's Cent. Route, p. 102.
611. Speaking of women: 'their breasts and stomachs were covered with red mastic, made from an earth peculiar to these rocks, which rendered them hideous. Their only covering was a pair of drawers of hare-skin, badly sewn together, and in holes.' Remy and Brenchley's Journ., vol. ii., p. 386; see also vol. i., p. 127, and vol. ii., pp. 389, 404, 407. 'The women often dress in skirts made of entrails, dressed and sewed together in a substantial way.' Prince, in Cal. Farmer, Oct. 18, 1861. Hareskins 'they cut into cords with the fur adhering; and braid them together so as to form a sort of cloak with a hole in the middle, through which they thrust their heads.' Farnham's Life and Adven., p. 376. The remaining authorities describe them as naked, or slightly and miserably dressed; see Stansbury's Rept., pp. 82, 202–3; Chandless' Visit, p. 291; Heap's Cent. Route, p. 100; Irving's Bonneville's Adven., p. 255; Bryant's Cal., p. 194; Forney, in Ind. Aff. Rept., 1859, p. 365; Dodge, Ib., pp. 374–5; Fenton, in Id., 1869, p. 203; Graves, in Id., 1854, p. 178; Burton's City of the Saints, pp. 217–18, 272–3, 581, 585; Fremont's Explor. Ex., pp. 148, 168–9, 212, 218, 225, 227, 267; Bulfinch's Oregon, p. 129; Saxon's Golden Gate, p. 251; Scenes in the Rocky Mts., p. 197; Brownell's Ind. Races, p. 539; Dunn's Oregon, p. 331.
612. Townsend's Nar., pp. 125, 133; De Smet, Voy., p. 25; Dunn's Oregon, p. 325; Parker's Explor. Tour, pp. 228–30, 308–9; Ross' Fur Hunters, vol. i., pp. 249–50, 257–8, vol. ii., pp. 22–3; Chandless' Visit, p. 118; Carvalho's Incid. of Trav., p. 200; White's Ogn., p. 377; Lord's Nat., vol. i., p. 298; Domenech's Deserts, vol. ii., pp. 244, 281.
613. 'The ermine is the fur known to the north-west traders by the name of the white weasel, but is the genuine ermine.' Lewis and Clarke's Trav., p. 313.
614. Lewis and Clarke's Trav., pp. 312–15.
615. 'On y rencontre aussi des terres métalliques de différentes couleurs, telles que vertes, bleues, jaunes, noires, blanches, et deux sortes d'ocres, l'une pâle, l'autre d'un rouge brillant comme du vermillion. Les Indiens en font très-grand cas; ils s'en servent pour se peindre