Varney the Vampire (Vol.1-3). James Malcolm Rymer
wonder if he'll come," said Mr. Marchdale to Henry. "After all, you know he may take to flight, and shun an encounter which, it is evident, he has entered into but tardily."
"I hope not," said Henry, "and yet I must own that your supposition has several times crossed my mind. If, however, he do not meet me, he never can appear at all in the country, and we should, at least, be rid of him, and all his troublesome importunities concerning the Hall. I would not allow that man, on any account, to cross the threshold of my house, as its tenant or its owner."
"Why, it ain't usual," said the admiral, "to let ones house to two people at once, unless you seem quite to forget that I've taken yours. I may as well remind you of it."
"Hurra" said Jack Pringle, at this moment.
"What's the matter with you? Who told you to hurra?"
"Enemy in the offing," said Jack, "three or four pints to the sou-west."
"So he is, by Jove! dodging about among the trees. Come, now, this vampyre's a decenter fellow than I thought him. He means, after all, to let us have a pop at him."
They had now reached so close to the spot, that Sir Francis Varney, who, to all appearance, had been waiting, emerged from among the trees, rolled up in his dismal-looking cloak, and, if possible, looking longer and thinner than ever he had looked before.
His face wore a singular cadaverous looking aspect. His very lips were white and there was a curious, pinkish-looking circle round each of his eyes, that imparted to his whole countenance a most uninviting appearance. He turned his eyes from one to the other of those who were advancing towards him, until he saw the admiral, upon which he gave such a grim and horrible smile, that the old man exclaimed—
"I say, Jack, you lubber, there's a face for a figure head."
"Ay, ay, sir."
"Did you ever see such a d——d grin as that in your life, in any latitude?"
"Ay, ay, sir."
"You did you swab."
"I should think so."
"It's a lie, and you know it."
"Very good," said Jack, "don't you recollect when that ere iron bullet walked over your head, leaving a nice little nick, all the way off Bergen-ap-Zoom, that was the time—blessed if you didn't give just such a grin as that."
"I didn't, you rascal."
"And I say you did."
"Mutiny, by God!"
"Go to blazes!"
How far this contention might have gone, having now reached its culminating point, had the admiral and Jack been alone, it is hard to say; but as it was, Henry and Marchdale interfered, and so the quarrel was patched up for the moment, in order to give place to more important affairs.
Varney seemed to think, that after the smiling welcome he had given to his second, he had done quite enough; for there he stood, tall, and gaunt, and motionless, if we may except an occasional singular movement of the mouth, and a clap together of his teeth, at times, which was enough to make anybody jump to hear.
"For Heaven's sake," said Marchdale, "do not let us trifle at such a moment as this. Mr. Pringle, you really had no business here."
"Mr. who?" said Jack.
"Pringle, I believe, is your name?" returned Marchdale.
"It were; but blowed if ever I was called mister before."
The admiral walked up to Sir Francis Varney, and gave him a nod that looked much more like one of defiance than of salutation, to which the vampyre replied by a low, courtly bow.
"Oh, bother!" muttered the old admiral. "If I was to double up my backbone like that, I should never get it down straight again. Well, all's right; you've come; that's all you could do, I suppose."
"I am here," said Varney, "and therefore it becomes a work of supererogation to remark that I've come."
"Oh! does it? I never bolted a dictionary, and, therefore, I don't know exactly what you mean."
"Step aside with me a moment, Admiral Bell, and I will tell you what you are to do with me after I am shot, if such should be my fate."
"Do with you! D——d if I'll do anything with you."
"I don't expect you will regret me; you will eat."
"Yes, and drink as usual, no doubt, notwithstanding being witness to the decease of a fellow-creature."
"Belay there; don't call yourself a fellow-creature of mine; I ain't a vampyre."
"But there's no knowing what you may be; and now listen to my instructions; for as you're my second, you cannot very well refuse to me a few friendly offices. Rain is falling. Step beneath this ancient tree, and I will talk to you."
"Well," said the admiral, when they were fairly under the tree, upon the leaves of which the pattering rain might be heard falling: "well—what is it?"
"If your young friend, Mr. Bannerworth, should chance to send a pistol-bullet through any portion of my anatomy, prejudicial to the prolongation of my existence, you will be so good as not to interfere with anything I may have about me, or to make any disturbance whatever."
"You may depend I sha'n't."
"Just take the matter perfectly easy—as a thing of course."
"Oh! I mean d——d easy."
"Ha! what a delightful thing is friendship! There is a little knoll or mound of earth midway between here and the Hall. Do you happen to know it? There is one solitary tree glowing near its summit—an oriental looking tree, of the fir tribe, which, fan-like, spreads its deep green leaves; across the azure sky."
"Oh! bother it; it's a d——d old tree, growing upon a little bit of a hill, I suppose you mean?"
"Precisely; only much more poetically expressed. The moon rises at a quarter past four to-night, or rather to-morrow, morning."
"Does it?"
"Yes; and if I should happen to be killed, you will have me removed gently to this mound of earth, and there laid beneath this tree, with my face upwards; and take care that it is done before the moon rises. You can watch that no one interferes."
"A likely job. What the deuce do you take me for? I tell you what it is, Mr. Vampyre, or Varney, or whatever's your name, if you should chance to be hit, where-ever you chance to fall, there you'll lie."
"How very unkind."
"Uncommon, ain't it?"
"Well, well, since that is your determination, I must take care of myself in another way. I can do so, and I will."
"Take care of yourself how you like, for all I care; I've come here to second you, and to see that, on the honour of a seaman, if you are put out of the world, it's done in a proper manner, that's all I have to do with you—now you know."
Sir Francis Varney looked after him with a strange kind of smile, as he walked away to make the necessary preparation with Marchdale for the immediate commencement of the contest.
These were simple and brief. It was agreed that twelve paces should be measured out, six each way, from a fixed point; one six to be paced by the