The Viking Age (Vol. 1&2). Paul B. Du Chaillu
of spear 10 feet. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 436.—Spear-head. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 437.—Leaf-shaped spear-point ornamented with engraved lines. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 438.—Iron axes. ¼ real size.
Fig. 439.—Iron celt. ¼ real size.
Fig. 440.—Tweezer and earpick of bronze hanging on a bronze ring. Real size.
Fig. 441.—Wooden club. ⅛ real size.
Fig. 442.—Black glass bead. Real size.
Fig. 443.—Light-green glass bead, with yellow points on a dark-red ground. Real size.
Fig. 444.—Green glass bead with red stripes. Real size.
Fig. 445.—½ real size.
Fig. 446.—½ real size.
Fig. 447.—Silver tweezers. Real size.
Fig. 448.—Silver ear spoon. ½ real size.
Fig. 449.—Iron knife with wooden handle. ¼ real size.
Fig. 450.—Double-barrelled tube of silver found with ear pick. Real size.
Fig. 451.
Fig. 452.
Wooden bows, with notches at the end for fastening the string. 1
11 real size.
Fig. 453.—Part of a wooden bow. ½ real size.
Fig. 454.—Part of arrow-shaft bearing runic stave. Real size.
Fig. 455.—Arrow-shaft. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 456.—Arrow-shaft with owner’s mark. Real size.
Fig. 457.—Arrow-point of iron. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 458.
Fig. 459.
Fig. 460.
Bronze mountings for a quiver. ¼ real size.
Fig. 461.—¼ real size.
Fig. 462.—½ real size.
Fragments of wooden scabbards with bronze mountings.
Fig. 463.—Wooden quiver. ¼ real size.
Fig. 464.—Bearded spear-head, bent and twisted. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 465.
Fig. 466.
Bearded spear-points of iron. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 467.—Iron spear-point, bayonet shaped. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 468.
Fig. 469.
Iron spear-points. ⅓ real size.
Fig. 470.—Leaf shaped iron spear-point. Real size.
Fig. 471.—Iron sword, damascened, bearing Latin inscription. ⅔ real size.
Fig. 472.—Iron sword bearing Latin inscription. ⅔ real size.
Fig. 473.—Iron sword bearing Latin inscription.
Fig. 474.—Part of sword blade with runes inlaid with gold.
Fig. 475.
Fig. 476.