England and Napoleon (1801-1815). Various

England and Napoleon (1801-1815) - Various

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II. Letter from the Duke of Portland to the King.

       PARTY POLITICS (1807) . Source. —Extract from the Prospectus of The Examiner . By Leigh Hunt.

       THE BERLIN DECREES (1807) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 134.

       CORUNNA (1809) .

       I. Bulletin of Jan. 21.

       II. The Burial of Sir John Moore at Corunna (1809) .









       IMPORTANCE OF PUBLIC ECONOMY (1809) . Source. — Diaries ... Right Hon. George Rose , 1860. Vol. ii., p. 336.

       RESIGNATION OF PORTLAND (1809) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 200.

       DUEL OF CANNING AND CASTLEREAGH (1809) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 209.

       MILITARY EXPENSES (1806-1809) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 239.

       TALAVERA: PROTEST BY LORDS (1809) . Source. — Protests of the Lords. Vol. ii., 1741-1825, p. 423.


       A.— A Squib on the Expedition.

       B.— Debate on the Expedition.

       WELLINGTON’S DIFFICULTIES IN SPAIN (1810) . Source. — Selections from the Wellington Despatches. Gurwood. P. 409.

       I. To the Right Hon. H. Wellesley.

       II. To the Right Hon. H. Wellesley.

       III. To the Earl of Liverpool.

       THE REGENCY (1811) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 316.

       Mr. Perceval’s Answer.

       FÊTE AT CARLTON HOUSE (1811) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 336.

       WEAVING MACHINES (1812) . Source. —Byron’s Works , 1898. Letters and Journals. Vol. ii., p. 424.

       BADAJOZ (1812) . Source. — Selections from the Wellington Despatches. Gurwood. P. 581.

       MURDER OF PERCEVAL (1812) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 379.

       SHERIDAN’S LAST UTTERANCES IN THE HOUSE (1812) . Source. —Moore’s Life of Sheridan , 1825. P. 677.

       SIR STAPLETON COTTON’S MILITARY SERVICES (1813) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 440.

       VITTORIA (1813) . Source. — Selections from the Wellington Despatches. Gurwood. P. 700.


       I.— April 8.

       II.— April 9.

       TOULOUSE TAKEN BY WELLINGTON (1814) . Source. — Selections from the Wellington Despatches. Gurwood. P. 809.

       DUKE OF WELLINGTON’S THANKS (1814) . Source. — Diary of Lord Colchester , 1861. Vol. ii., p. 505.

       Speech of the Duke of Wellington in the House of Commons.

       The Speaker’s Reply.

       ODE WRITTEN DURING THE NEGOTIATIONS WITH BUONAPARTE (1814) . Source. —Robert Southey: Poems .

       MAJOR VIVIAN’S INTERVIEW WITH NAPOLEON IN ELBA (JANUARY, 1815) . Source. —J. H. Rose: Pitt and Napoleon . G. Bell and Sons, 1912. Pp. 170-172, and 173, 174.

       WATERLOO DESCRIBED BY WELLINGTON (1815) . Source. — Selections from the Wellington Despatches. Gurwood. P. 857.

       Table of Contents

      This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuable—nay, an indispensable—adjunct to the history lesson. It is capable

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