Physics. Willis E. Tower
(1) Electrification and Electrical Charges
(2) Electric Fields and Electrostatic Induction
(3) Electrical Theories and Distribution of Charges
(4) Potential, Capacity and the Electric Condenser
Review Outline: Magnetism and Static Electricity
(1) Electrical Currents and Circuits
(2) The Voltaic Cell and its Action
(1) The Magnetic Effect of Electric Currents
(3) Ohm's Law and Electrical Circuits
(4) Methods of Grouping Cells and Measuring Resistance
(1) The Chemical Effect of an Electric Current
(2) The Storage Battery and Electric Power
(3) The Heat Effect of Electric Currents
(3) The Induction Coil and the Transformer
(3) Intensity and Pitch of Sounds
(4) Musical Scales and Resonance
(5) Wave Interference, Beats, Vibration of Strings
(6) Tone Quality, Vibrating Air Columns, Plates
(1) Light, Its Rectilinear Propagation, Shadows
(2) Photometry and the Law of Reflection
(3) Mirrors and the Formation of Images
(5) The Formation of Images by Lenses
(8) Nature of Light, Interference, Polarization
(1) Electric Waves and Radio-activity
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(1) Introduction
1. Physics, an Explanation of Common Things.—Many students take up the study of physics expecting to see wonderful experiments with the "X" rays, wireless telegraphy, dynamos, and other interesting devices. Others are dreading to begin a study that to them seems strange and difficult, because they fear it deals with ideas and principles that are beyond their experience and hard to comprehend.