Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow. Eliza R. Snow

Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow - Eliza R. Snow

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B. Young and Elder William Miller sang the hymn, "Adieu, my dear brethren, adieu," etc. This was after the number of the official members present had been taken—one hundred and seven.

      President Brigham Young blessed the congregation and dismissed them.—Millennial Star.

      At this meeting, Brother Lorenzo reported the London Conference. No one who has never been located far from home can realize the happiness he enjoyed while associated with so many of the Quorum of the Twelve on this occasion.


      Dearest brother, wherefore leave us?

       Why forsake your friends and home?

       Of your presence, why bereave us,

       And in foreign countries roam?

      Must the dearest ties be broken?

       Must affection's garland fade?

       No, O no! But God has spoken,

       And His voice must be obeyed.

      You have gone to warn the nations,

       In the name of Israel's God;

       You are called to bear salvation's

       Joyful tidings far abroad.

      Now the Gospel proclamation

       Must be sounded far and near,

       That the best of every nation May in Zion's courts appear.

      In the spirit of devotion

       To Messiah's glorious Cause,

       You have crossed the pathless ocean,

       To proclaim Redemption's laws.

      You are now a standard bearer

       On a distant mountain top,

       And perchance ofttimes a sharer

       In privation's bitter cup.

      God designs to try and prove you,

       If you will His voice obey;

       Therefore from your friends who love you,

       You are parted far away.

      You are called yourself to sever

       From the land where kindred dwell;

       But it will not be forever—

       Time will surely break the spell.

      Here warm friends await your greeting—

       Noble friends of Abra'm's line:

       Here are gentle pulses beating

       In soft unison with thine.

      Here are daily prayers ascending

       For the appointed hour to come;

       When your mission nobly ending,

       We shall bid you "Welcome home."

      Nauvoo, Jan., 1841. E. R. Snow.

       Table of Contents

      Brother Snow writes to Elder Pratt.—Baptisms.—A hint to the wise.—Caution and instruction.—Writes to the Star.—Increase in the Church in London.—Good word for Bedford.—Baptisms.—To Elder Pratt.—Sad news.—Sister Morgan's Death.—Her faithfulness and benevolence.—Her triumphant departure.—Her Husband is comforted.—Conference.—Lorenzo informs how subscriptions are obtained.—Singing in Tongues.—L. appointed First Counselor.—P. P. Pratt speaks.—Stanza.—Queen Victoria.—Presentation of the Book of Mormon to Her Majesty and the Prince Consort.

      Extract of a letter written from London on the third of May, 1841:

      Elder Pratt:

      I improve a few moments in communicating some few items in reference to the prosperity of our Redeemer's kingdom in this metropolis.

      I feel happy in having the privilege of stating that the prospects of Zion's extension and enlargement in this city are far more encouraging now than at any former time since I located in London.

      Though surrounded with high-handed wickedness of every description, Zion begins to break forth, and, I trust, ere long will become a shining lamp in this city.

      Many people in various directions are inquiring the way of salvation, and thanks to her glorious King, Zion is beginning to array herself in her beautiful garments, even with light and intelligence, faith and power, and her children are pointing out in plainness the one and only pathway that leads up into the holy, celestial mansions of eternal rest.

      On Sunday, our preaching room is crowded to overflowing. Yesterday morning I had the pleasure of baptizing eleven into the fold of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Others, also, will soon follow the glorious example.

      Lorenzo Snow.


      London, May 13, 1841.

      The Savior has commanded not to cast pearls before swine. I am sorry to say that this instruction is not always sufficiently regarded by those to whom our Lord has given, through the Everlasting Covenant, His pearls of wisdom, knowledge, and precious gifts. The consequence is, we lose blessings instead of retaining them—a decrease of the Holy Spirit follows, instead of an increase, and our minds become darkened.

      What I allude to is this: we too frequently engage in conversation concerning things of the kingdom of God, with persons of a wrong spirit; and feeling over anxious to make them see, understand, and acknowledge the light presented, we urge on, and persist in the conversation until we partake of the spirit of those with whom we are conversing. We ought to be particularly guarded against falling into errors of this kind.

      It is very easy to understand when conversation is attended with profit. We then feel our minds enlightened, and the power of God resting upon us through the Holy Spirit—ideas flow into our minds, and we express them with ease, freedom, and calmness.

      Conversation conducted in this spirit proves highly profitable, not only to ourselves, but also to those with whom we converse; and after its close, our hearts are drawn out in gratitude to the Most High for the privilege of imparting the glorious truths of the Gospel to the children of men.

      L. Snow.

      The following is from the Millennial Star of September, 1841:

      Elder Snow writes from London, under date of August 21, as follows: Dear Brother—This morning I occupy a few moments in communicating a general view of the present state and prosperity of the London Conference.

      Six months since, when I took charge of this conference we numbered less than one hundred members; since then we have increased to two hundred and twenty.

      I recently had the pleasure of spending three weeks in Bedford and vicinity. My heart truly rejoiced to witness the good order, peace and love prevailing there. The zeal and untiring perseverance of the officers of the Church in Bedford, in leaving their homes on Sunday morning, after having labored with their hands all the week, and then walking eight and ten miles to proclaim the fulness of the Gospel, is truly worthy of commendation and of imitation by all who labor in the name, and by the authority of Jesus Christ. During the time I was in Bedford, twenty-three persons were baptized into Zion's fold, in that place and vicinity.

      London, October 28, 1841.

      Elder Pratt:

      Dear Brother.—In a moment our joys are turned to sorrow, our pleasures into pain. Death has entered this part of Zion's fold, and taken one of her best and most worthy daughters.

      This morning, our beloved sister, Elizabeth Morgan, after a short illness, bid adieu to her weeping husband, children and friends,

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