Kinship Organisations and Group Marriage in Australia. Northcote Whitridge Thomas
1. Allgemeine Missionszeitschrift. Gutersloh, 1874 etc., 8o.
2. American Anthropologist. Washington, 1888 etc., 8o.
3. Année Sociologique. Paris, 1898 etc., 8o.
4. Archaeologia Americana. Philadelphia, 1820 etc., 4o.
5. Das Ausland. Munich, 1828–1893, 4o.
6. Bulletins of North Queensland Ethnography. Brisbane, 1901 etc., fol.
7. Bunce, D., Australasiatic Reminiscences of Twenty-three Years Wanderings. Melbourne, 1857, 8o.
8. Colonial Magazine. London, 1840–1842, 8o.
9. Cunow, H., Die Verwandtschaftsorganisationen der Australneger. Leipzig, 1894, 8o.
10. Curr, E. M., The Australian Race. 4 vols., London, 1886, 8o and fol.
11. Dawson, J., Australian Aborigines. Melbourne, 1881, 4o.
12. Fison, L. and Howitt, A. W., Kamilaroi and Kurnai. Melbourne, 1880, 8o.
13. Folklore. London, 1892 etc., 8o.
14. Fortnightly Review. London, 1865–1889, 8o.
15. Frazer, J. G., Totemism. Edinburgh, 1887, 8o.
16. Gerstaecker, F., Reisen von F. Gerstaecker. 5 vols., Stuttgart, 1853–4, 8o.
17. Globus. Hildburghausen etc., 1863 etc., 4o.
18. Grey, Sir G., Journals of Two Expeditions of Discovery in North-West and West Australia. 2 vols., London, 1841, 8o.
19. Gribble, J. B., Black but Comely. London, 1874, 8o.
20. Hodgson, C. P., Reminiscences of Australia. London, 1846, 12o.
21. Howitt, A. W., Native Tribes of South-East Australia. London, 1904, 8o.
22. Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie. Leyden, 1888 etc., 4o.
23. Journal of the Anthropological Institute. London, 1871 sq., 8o.
24. Journal of the Royal Geographical Society. London, 1832–1880, 8o.
25. Journal of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sydney, 1877 etc., 8o.
26. Journals of Several Expeditions in West Australia. London, 1833, 12o.
27. Lahontan, H. de, Voyages. Amsterdam, 1705, 12o.
28. Lang, A. and Atkinson, J., Social Origins; Primal Law. London, 1903, 8o.
29. Lang, A., Secret of the Totem. London, 1905, 8o.
30. Leichardt, F. W. L., Journal of an Overland Expedition in Australia. London, 1848, 8o.
31. Lumholtz, C., Among Cannibals. London, 1889, 8o.
32. Maclennan, J. F., Studies in Ancient History. 2nd Series, London, 1886, 8o.
33. Man. London, 1901 sq., 8o.
34. Mathew, J., Eaglehawk and Crow. London, 1898, 8o.
35. Mathews, R. H., Ethnological Notes. Sydney, 1905, 8o.
36. Mitteilungen des Seminars fur orientalische Sprachen. Berlin, 1898 etc., 8o.
37. Mitteilungen des Vereins fur Erdkunde. Halle, 1877–1892, 8o.
38. Moore, G. F., Descriptive Vocabulary of the Language in Common Use among the Aborigines of Western Australia. London, 1842, 8o.
39. Morgan, Lewis H., Ancient Society. New York, 1877, 8o.
40. New, C., Travels. London, 1854, 8o.
41. Owen, Mary A., The Musquakie Indians. London, 1905, 8o.
42. Parker, K. L., The Euahlayi Tribe. London, 1905, 8o.
43. Petrie, Tom, Reminiscences. Brisbane, 1905, 8o.
44. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. Philadelphia, 1840 etc., 8o.
45. Proceedings of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science. 1889 etc., 8o.
46. Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Queensland Branch. Brisbane, 1886 etc., 8o.
47. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland. Brisbane, 1884 etc., 8o.
48. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. Melbourne, 1889 etc., 8o.
49. Reports of the Cambridge University Expedition to Torres Straits. Cambridge, 1903 etc., 4o.
50. Roth, W. E., Ethnological Studies. Brisbane, 1898, 8o.
51. Schürmann, C. W., Vocabulary of the Parnkalla Language. Adelaide, 1844, 8o.
52. Science of Man. Sydney, 1898 etc., 4o.
53. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Washington, 1848 etc., 4o.
54. Spencer, B. and Gillen, F. J., Native Tribes of Central Australasia. London, 1898, 8o.
55. Spencer, B. and Gillen, F. J., Northern Tribes of Central Australia. London, 1904, 8o.
56. Stokes, J. L., Discoveries in Australia. 2 vols., London, 1846, 8o.
57. Taplin, G., Folklore, Manners, Customs and Language of the South Australian Aborigines. Adelaide, 1878, 8o.
58. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia. Adelaide, 1878 etc., 8o.
59. van Gennep, A., Mythes et Légendes. Paris, 1906, 8o.
60. West Australian. Perth, 1886 etc., fol.
61. Westermarck, E., History of Human Marriage. 3rd Edition, London, 1901, 8o.
62. Wiener Medicinische Wochenschrift. Vienna, 1851 etc., 4o.
63. Wilson, T. B., Narrative of a Voyage round the World. London, 1835, 8o.
64. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft. Stuttgart, 1878 etc., 8o.
Allg. Miss. Zts., 1 Am. Anth., 2 Am. Phil. Soc., 44 Ann. Soc., 3 Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., 45 Col. Mag., 8 C. T., 54 Ethn. Notes, 35 Fort. Rev., 14 J. A. I., 23 J. R. G. S., 24 J. R. S. N. S. W., 25 J. R. S. Vict., 48 | Nat. Tr., 54 Nor. Tr., 55 N. Q. Ethn. Bull., 6 N. T., 21 Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 44 Proc. R. G. S. Qn., 46 Proc. R. S. Vict., 48 R. G. S. Qn., 47 Sci. Man, 52 T. R. S. S. A., 58 West. Aust., 60 Zts. vgl. Rechtsw., 64 |
Social organisation. Associations in the lower stages of culture. Consanguinity and Kinship. The Tribe. Kinship groups; totem kins; phratries.