Inspiration and Interpretation. John William Burgon
2 Tim. iii. 16. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God.
inspiration of scripture.—gospel difficulties.—the word of god infallible.—other sciences subordinate to theological science.
The meaning of 2 Tim. iii. 16 | 53 | |
St. Paul nowhere disclaims Inspiration | 54 | |
Holy Scripture is attributed in Scripture to the Holy Ghost | 56 | |
Forms of unbelief concerning Inspiration | 57 | |
Impertinence of the modern way of speaking of the Evangelists | 60 | |
Supposed inaccuracies, slips of memory, misstatements | 61 | |
The Gospels not four but One | 62 | |
A principle laid down for the reconcilement of all Gospel difficulties | 63 | |
Illustration from a supposed case of testimony | 64 | |
Computation of the hours in St. John's Gospel | 66 | |
The accounts of the blind man restored to sight at Jericho, harmonized | 67 | |
Characteristics of an Inspired narrative | 68 | |
The mention of "Jeremy the prophet," and of Cyrenius, considered | 70 | |
Faultlessness of the Gospel | 72 | |
Absurdity of the common allegations against it | 73 | |
The absolute Infallibility of Scripture maintained | 74 | |
Every syllable of Holy Scripture inspired | 75 | |
The nature of Inspiration illustrated | 76 | |
Theology, the noblest of the Sciences | 79 | |
Insubordination in these last days of Physical Science | 80 | |
The infidel spirit of the Age, protested against | 81 | |
Theological Science can never be called upon to give way before Physical Science | 83 | |
Relations of Morals to Theology | 84 | |
Conscience and the Moral Sense have been informed afresh by Revelation | 87 |
St. John xvii. 17. Thy Word is Truth.
the plenary inspiration of every part of the bible, vindicated and explained.—nature of inspiration.—the text of scripture.
Cavils against the Bible | 92 | |
Absolute infallibility of every 'jot' and every 'tittle' of Holy Scripture | 94 | |
The popular view of Inspiration stated | 95 | |
No middle state between Inspiration and non-inspiration | 96 | |
The popular theory applied and tested | 96 | |
A different view of the nature and office of Inspiration stated | 100 | |
Inspiration still the same, however diverse the subject-matter | 102 | |
What is meant by 'a Prophet' | 104 | |
The message still God's, whatever its nature may be | 106 | |
Note of Inspiration in the Historical Books of the Bible | 108 | |
The Title on the Cross | 109 |