Studies of Trees. Jacob Joshua Levison
Jacob Joshua Levison
Studies of Trees
Published by Good Press, 2019
EAN 4057664116024
Table of Contents
Group II. The Spruce and Hemlock
Group III. The Red Cedar and Arbor-Vitae
How To Identify Trees—(Continued)
Group IV. The Larch And Cypress
Group V. The Horsechestnut, Ash and Maple
Group VI. Trees Told by Their Form: Elm, Poplar, Gingko and Willow
Group VIII. The Oaks and Chestnut
How To Identify Trees—(Continued)
Group IX. The Hickories, Walnut and Butternut
The Structure and Requirements of Trees
Trees Best for the Lawn
Trees Best for the Street
Trees Best for Woodland
Trees Best for Screening
Study I. Insects Injurious to Trees and How to Combat Them
Study I. What Forestry Is and What It Does
Study II. Care of the Woodland
Our Common Woods: Their Identification, Properties and Uses
In presenting this volume, the author is aware that there are several excellent books, dealing with one phase or another of tree life, already before the public. It is believed, however, that there is still need for an all-round book, adapted to the beginner, which gives in a brief and not too technical way the most important facts concerning the identification, structure and uses of our more common trees, and which considers their habits, enemies and care both when growing alone and when growing in groups or forests.
In the chapters on the identification of trees, the aim has been to bring before the student only such characters and facts as shall help him to distinguish the tree readily during all seasons of the year. Special stress is laid in each case on the most striking peculiarities. Possible confusion with other trees of similar appearance is prevented as far as possible through comparisons with trees of like form or habit.
Only such information is given concerning the structure and requirements of trees as will enable the reader better to understand the subsequent chapters. In the second half of the book, practical application is made of the student’s general knowledge thus acquired, and he is acquainted with the fundamental principles of planting, care, forestry, wood identification and nature study.