A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females. Harvey Newcomb

A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females - Harvey Newcomb

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href="#ulink_bd854213-23d7-5faa-8247-37d96d9e9234">37 Manifested in willing Obedience, 38 Love of the Brethren, 38 Spiritual Joy. Peace, 39 Peace of Mind; its Manifestations, 40 Meekness the Twin Sister of Peace, 41 Long-suffering, Gentleness, 41 Goodness, 42 Faith, a Common Principle of Action, 42 An Operative Principle, 43 Power of Faith. Temperance, 43 LETTER IV.Table of Contents Reading and Study of the, Bible, 44 Search the Scriptures, 45 We must set our Hearts to it, 45 Directions, 46 1. Read the Bible in your Closet, 46 2. Preparation of the Heart, 47 3. Seek the Aid of the Holy Spirit, 47 4. Read with Self-application, 47 5. Read the Scriptures regularly, 48 6. Study the Bible systematically, 48 Variety and Harmony of the Bible, 49 Things to be observed, 49 Wisdom of Divine Inspiration, 49 How to remove Difficulties, 50 Commentaries. Tasks, 50 Read in Course, 51 Close Study of the Bible, 51 Constant Subjects of Inquiry, 52 The Bible a History of the Church, 52 Periods of the History of the Church, 52 Take notice what Period you are reading, 53 Inquire what Doctrine or Principle is taught, recognized, illustrated, or enforced, 53 Note the Promises and Predictions, 53 Take Notes, 53 Read the Gospel to study the Character of Christ, 53 Things to be observed in Sacred History and Biography, 54 Poetic and Didactic Parts of the Bible, 55 The Prophecies, 55 LETTER V.Table of Contents Prayer and Fasting, 57 Duty of Prayer, 57 Prayer defined, 58 Examples, 59 The Lord's Prayer; its Use, 59
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