Excursions in Victorian Bibliography. Michael Sadleir

Excursions in Victorian Bibliography - Michael Sadleir

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      Notes—(i) This book was published in January, 1855. An edition of 1,000 copies was printed, of which 600 were sold during the first eighteen months of publication. The balance of 400 was bound, very nearly uniform with the first issue, in 1858 and a catalogue dated with that year inserted at end.

      (ii) In 1879 Chapman and Hall published, under the series title Chronicles of Barsetshire, Trollope's novels dealing with the city and district of Barchester. The Warden was the first volume of this reissue, and was preceded by a brief introduction by Trollope not previously published.


      BARCHESTER TOWERS. By Anthony Trollope, author of The Warden. London: Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans and Roberts. 1857. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾).

      Vol. I. pp. viii + 305 + (3). Publishers' advertisements occupy pp. (307) and (308). Advertisement of The Warden occupies p. (ii). Half-title to this volume.

      Vol. II. pp. iv + 299 + (1). No half-title.

      Vol. III. pp. iv + 321 + (3). No half-title. Publishers' advertisements occupy pp. (323) and (324).

      Pale brown cloth, gilt, blocked in blind. Brick-red end-papers printed with publishers' advertisements.

      Note—This book was published in May, 1857. The earliest issue had end-papers of a much redder brown than those used for later bindings of the first edition sheets. The latter can also be identified by the date of a publishers' catalogue bound in at the end of Vol. I.


      THE THREE CLERKS: A Novel. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers etc. London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street. 1858. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾).

      Vol. I. pp. iv + 340.

      Vol. II. pp. iv + 322 + (2).

      Vol. III. pp. iv + 334 + (2).

      No half-titles. Paper boards, half cloth, paper label. White end-papers. Also in dark grey-purple watered cloth, gilt, blocked in blind, with yellow end-papers.

      Notes—(i) Although dated 1858, this book was actually published in December, 1857.

      (ii) I have seen a copy of this book in a binding of the grey-purple cloth above mentioned, but with paper labels as employed on the half-cloth edition.


      DOCTOR THORNE: A Novel. By Anthony Trollope, author of The Three Clerks, Barchester Towers etc. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1858. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾).

      Vol. I. pp. iv + 305 + (3). Publishers' catalogue, 32 pp., dated April, 1858, bound in at end.

      Vol. II. pp. iv + 323 + (1).

      Vol. III. pp. iv + 340.

      No half-titles. Dark grey-purple cloth, gilt, blocked in blind. Pale green end-papers.

      Note—This book was published in June, 1858.


      THE BERTRAMS: A Novel. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers, Doctor Thorne etc. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1859. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾).

      Vol. I. pp. iv + 335 + (1).

      Vol. II. pp. iv + 344.

      Vol. III. pp. iv + 331 + (1).

      No half-titles. Dark grey-purple cloth, gilt, blocked in blind. Pale yellow end-papers.

      Note—This novel was published in March, 1859.


      THE WEST INDIES AND THE SPANISH MAIN. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers, Doctor Thorne, The Bertrams etc. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1859. 1 vol. Demy 8vo (5½ × 8¾). Pp. iv + 395 + (1). Publishers' catalogue, 32 pp., dated November, 1859, bound in at end. No half-title. Coloured map printed separately facing title. Maroon cloth, gilt, blocked in blind. Pale yellow end-papers.

      Notes—(i) This book was published in October, 1859.

      (ii) It is possible that the earliest copies of all contained no publishers' catalogue, but I have been unable to find a copy with a catalogue dated earlier than that mentioned above.


      CASTLE RICHMOND: A Novel. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers, Doctor Thorne, The West Indies and the Spanish Main etc. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1860. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾).

      Vol. I. pp. vi + 303 + (1).

      Vol. II. pp. (vi) [p. vi is erroneously numbered iv] + 300.

      Vol. III. pp. vi + 289 + (1). Publishers' catalogue, 32 pp., dated May, 1860, bound in at end.

      Dark grey-purple cloth, gilt, blocked in blind. Yellow end-papers.

      Note—This book was published in May, 1860.


      FRAMLEY PARSONAGE. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers etc. etc. With 6 illustrations by J. E. Millais, R.A. London: Smith Elder and Co., 65 Cornhill. MDCCCLXI. 3 vols. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4⅞ × 7⅝).

      Vol. I. pp. (iv) + 333 + (3).

      Vol. II. pp. (iv) + 318 + (2).

      Vol. III. pp. (iv) + 330 + (2). Publishers' catalogue, 14 pp., dated April, 1861, bound in at end.

      No half-titles. Each volume contains two line-engraved illustrations printed separately. Grey-purple cloth, blocked in gold and blind. Yellow end-papers.

      Note—This book was published in May, 1861. The story appeared serially in the “Cornhill.”


      TALES OF ALL COUNTRIES. By Anthony Trollope, author of Barchester Towers, Doctor Thorne, The West Indies and the Spanish Main. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1861. 1 vol. Ex. Cr. 8vo (4¾ × 7¾). Pp. (iv) + 312. Publishers' catalogue, 32 pp., dated November, 1861, bound in at end. No half-title. Blue embossed cloth, gilt, blocked in blind. Bright blue end-papers.

      Contents: La Mère Bauche—The O'Conors of Castle Conor—John Bull on the Guadalquivir—Miss Sarah Jack, of Spanish Town, Jamaica—The Courtship of Susan Bell—Relics of General Chassé—An Unprotected Female at the Pyramids—The Château of Prince Polignac.

      Note—This book was published in November, 1861.


      ORLEY FARM. By Anthony Trollope, author of Doctor Thorne, Barchester Towers, Framley Parsonage etc. With illustrations by J. E. Millais. London: Chapman and Hall, 193 Piccadilly. 1862. 2 vols. Demy 8vo (5½ × 8¾).

      Vol. I. pp. viii + 320. Publishers' catalogue, 32 pp., dated October, 1861, bound in at end.

      Vol. II. pp. viii + 320.

      Each volume contains twenty illustrations. Brown-purple embossed cloth, blocked in gold and blind. Pale yellow end-papers.

      This story originally appeared in twenty demy 8vo one shilling parts, dated March (1861) to October (1862), bound in fawn wrappers printed in blue and red, and containing the illustrations by J. E. Millais afterwards included in the two-volume edition. Each part contains two illustrations.

      Note—The first volume of this novel was published in book form on December 3, 1861; the second volume on September 25, 1862. Both title-pages are, however, dated 1862.

      Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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