An English Grammar. James Witt Sewell

An English Grammar - James Witt Sewell

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First person, representing the person speaking.

      (2) Second person, representing a person or thing spoken to.

      (3) Third person, standing for a person or thing spoken of.

       Table of Contents

      77. Personal pronouns are inflected thus:—

Singular. Plural.
Nom. I we
Poss. mine, my our, ours
Obj. me us
Old Form Common Form.
Nom. thou you
Poss. thine, thy your, yours
Obj. thee you
Nom. ye you
Poss. your, yours your, yours
Obj. you you
Masc. Fem. Neut..
Nom. he she it
Poss. his her, hers its
Obj. him her it
Plur. of all Three.
Nom. they
Poss. their, theirs
Obj. them

       Table of Contents

      First and second persons without gender.

      78. It will be noticed that the pronouns of the first and second persons have no forms to distinguish gender. The speaker may be either male or female, or, by personification, neuter; so also with the person or thing spoken to.

      Third person singular has gender.

      But the third person has, in the singular, a separate form for each gender, and also for the neuter.

      Old forms.

      In Old English these three were formed from the same root; namely, masculine , feminine hēo, neuter hit.

      The form hit (for it) is still heard in vulgar English, and hoo (for hēo) in some dialects of England.

      The plurals were , heora, heom, in Old English; the forms they, their, them, perhaps being from the English demonstrative, though influenced by the cognate Norse forms.

      Second person always plural in ordinary English.

      79. Thou, thee, etc., are old forms which are now out of use in ordinary speech. The consequence is, that we have no singular pronoun of the second person in ordinary speech or prose, but make the plural you do duty for the singular. We use it with a plural verb always, even when referring to a single object.

      Two uses of the old singulars.

      80. There are, however, two modern uses of thou, thy, etc.:—

      (1) In elevated style, especially in poetry; as—

      With thy clear keen joyance Languor cannot be; Shadow of annoyance Never came near thee; Thou lovest; but ne'er knew love's sad satiety. —Shelley.

      (2) In addressing the Deity, as in prayers, etc.; for example—

      Oh, thou Shepherd of Israel, that didst comfort thy people of old, to thy care we commit the helpless.—Beecher.

      The form its.

      81. It is worth while to consider the possessive its. This is of comparatively recent growth. The old form was his (from the nominative hit), and this continued in use till the sixteenth century. The transition from the old his to the modern its is shown in these sentences:—

      1 He anointed the altar and all his vessels.—Bible

      Here his refers to altar, which is a neuter noun. The quotation represents the usage of the early sixteenth century.

      2 It's had it

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