Nests and Eggs of Birds of the United States. Thomas G. Gentry

Nests and Eggs of Birds of the United States - Thomas G. Gentry

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       Thomas G. Gentry

      Nests and Eggs of Birds of the United States


      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066155377



       Plate I.—AMPELIS CEDRORUM, Sclater.—Cedar-Bird.

       Plate II.—CONTOPUS VIRENS, Cabanis.—Wood Pewee.

       Plate III.—MIMUS. CAROLINENSIS, Gray.—Cat-Bird.

       Plate IV.—ICTERUS SPURIUS, Bonaparte.—Orchard Oriole.

       Plate V.—TYRANNUS CAROLINENSIS, Baird.—Kingbird.

       Plate VI.—AGELAIUS PHOENICEUS, Vieillot.—Redwing Blackbird.

       Plate VII.—TROCHILUS COLUBRIS, Linaeus.—Ruby-throated Humming-bird.

       Plate VIII.—PIPILO ERYTHROPHTIIALMUS, Vieillot.—Towhee Bunting.

       Plate IX.—PICUS PUBESCENS, Linaeus.—Downy Woodpecker.

       Plate X.—VIREOSYLVIA OLIVACEUS, Bonaparte.—Red-eyed Vireo.

       Plate XI.—TRINGOIDES MACULARIUS, Gray.—Spotted Sandpiper.

       Plate XII.—SPIZELLA SOCIALIS, Bonaparte.—Chipping Sparrow.

       Plate XIII.—PYRANGA RUBRA, Vieillot.—Scarlet Tanager.

       Plate XIV.—HIRUNDO HORREORUM, Barton.—Barn Swallow.

       Plate XV.—LOPHORTYX CALIFORNICA, Bonaparte.—The Valley Quail of California.

       Plate XVI.—REGULUS SATRAPA, Licht.—Golden-crowned Kinglet.

       Plate XVII.—UTAMANIA TORDA, (Linn.) , Leach.—Razor-billed Auk.

       Plate XVIII.—DENDROECA DISCOLOR, Baird.—Prairie Warbler.

       Plate XIX.—ZENAIDURA CAROLINENSIS, (Linn.) Bonaparte.—Mourning Dove.

       Plate XX.—TINNUNCULUS SPARVERIUS, (Lnn.) Vieillot.—Sparrow Hawk.

       Plate XXI.—AIX SPONSA, (Linn.) Boie.—Wood Duck; Summer Duck.

       Plate XXII.—PSALTRIPARUS MINIMUS, (Townsend) Bonaparte.—Least Tit.

       Plate XXIII.—CAPRIMULGUS VOCIFERUS, Wilson.—Whippoorwill.

       Plate XXIV.—PHILOHELA MINOR, (Gmel.) Gray.—American Woodcock.

       Plate XXV.—COLYMBUS SEPTENTRION A LIS, Linnæus.—Red-throated Diver.

       Plate XXVI.—POLIOPTILA CÆRULEA, (Linn.) Sclater.—Blue-gray Gnatcatcher.

       Plate XXVII.—PASSERINA CIRIS, (Linn.) Gray.—Nonpareil; Painted Bunting

       Plate XXVIII.—CERYLE ALCYON, (Linn.) Boie.—Belted Kingfisher.

       Plate XXIX.—BONASA UMBELLUS, (Linn.) Stephens.—Ruffed Grouse.

       Plate XXX.—STERNA ANTILLARUM, (Less.) Coues.—Least Tern.

       Plate XXXI.—SIALIA SIALIS, (Linn.) Haldem.—Eastern Bluebird

       Plate XXXII.—SETOPHAGA RUTICILLA, (Link.) Swainson.—American Redstart

       Plate XXXIII.—SCOPS ASIO, (Linn.) Bonaparte.—Mottled Owl

       Plate XXXIV.—RALLUS VIRGINIANUS, Linn.—Virginia Rail.

       Plate XXXV.—GEOTHLYPIS TRICHAS, (Linn.) Caban.—Maryland Yellow-Throat.

       Plate XXXVI.—SITTA CAROLINENSIS, Gmelin.—White-bellied Nuthatch

       Plate XXXVII.—MELEAGRIS GALLOPAVO VAR. AMERICANA, (Bartr.) Coues.—Wild Turkey.

       Plate XXXVIII.—CHÆTURA PELASGICA, (Linn.) Baird.—Chimney Swift.

       Plate XXXIX.—OXYECHUS VOCIFERUS, (Linn.) Reich.—Killdeer.

       Plate XL.—QUISCALUS PURPUREUS, (Bartram) Licht.—Purple Grackle.

       Plate XLI.—ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS, (Linn.) Cab.—American Goldfinch

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