A Short History of Monks and Monasteries. Alfred Wesley Wishart

A Short History of Monks and Monasteries - Alfred Wesley Wishart

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at Rheims. [Ambroise Tardieu was born in Paris, in 1790, and died in 1837. He was an engraver of portraits, landscapes and architecture, and a clever manipulator of the burin. For a time he held the position of "Geographical Engraver" to the Departments of Marine, Fortifications and Forests. He was a member of the French Geographical and Mathematical Societies.]--Nagler. SAINT DOMINIC From a photograph of Bozzani's painting, preserved in his cell at Santa Sabina, Rome. Here reproduced from Augusta T. Drane's "History of St. Dominic," by courtesy of the author and the publishers, Longmans, Green & Co., of London and New York. ["Although several so-called portraits (of St. Dominic) are preserved, yet none of them can be regarded as the vera effigies of the saint, though that preserved at Santa Sabina probably presents us with a kind of traditionary likeness."]--History of St. Dominic. [In the "History of St. Dominic," on page 226, the author credits the portrait shown to "Bozzani." We are unable to find any record of a painter by that name. Nagler, however, tells of a painter of portraits and historical subjects, Carlo Bozzoni by name, who was born in 1607 and died in 1657. He was a son of Luciano Bozzoni, a Genoese painter and engraver. He is said to have done good work, but no other mention is made of him.] IGNATIUS DE LOYOLA After the engraving by Greatbach, "from a scarce print by H. Wierz." Originally published by Richard Bentley, London, in 1842. [W. Greatbach was a London engraver in the first half of the nineteenth century. He worked chiefly for the "calendars" and "annuals" of his time, and did notable work for the general book trade of the better class.] [A search of the authorities does not reveal an engraver named "H. Wierz." This is probably intended for Hieronymus Wierex (or Wierix, according to Bryant), a famous engraver, born in 1552, and who is credited by Nagler, in his "Künstler-Lexikon," with having produced "a beautiful and rare plate" of "St. Ignaz von Loyola." The error, if such it be, is easily explained by the fact that portrait engravers seldom cut the lettering of a plate themselves, but have it engraved by others, who have a special aptitude for making shapely letters.]

       Table of Contents

      ADAMS, G.B.: Civilization during the Middle Ages.

       ARCHER, T.A., and KINGSFORD, CHARLES L.: The Crusaders.

       BARROWS, JOHN H., (Editor): The World's Parliment of Religions.

       BLUNT, I.J.: Sketches of the Reformation in England.

       BLUNT, JOHN HENRY: The Reformation of the Church of England, its History, Principles and Results.

       BREWER, JOHN SHERREN: The Reign of Henry VIII.

       BRYCE, JAMES: The Holy Roman Empire.

       BURNET, GILBERT: History of the Reformation of the Church of England.

       BUTLER, ALBAN: Lives of the Saints.

       CARLYLE, THOMAS: Past and Present: The Ancient Monk. Miscellaneous Papers: Jesuitism.

       CAZENOVE, JOHN G.: St. Hilary of Poitiers and St. Martin of Tours.

       CHALIPPE, CANDIDE: The Life of St. Francis of Assisi.

       CHILD, GILBERT W.: Church and State Under the Tudors.

       CHURCH, R.W.: The Beginning of the Middle Ages.

       CLARK, WILLIAM: The Anglican Reformation.

       CLARKE, STEPHEN REYNOLDS: Vestigia Anglicana.

       CLARKE, JAMES FREEMAN: Events and Epochs in Religious History.

       COOK, KENINGALE: The Fathers of Jesus.

       COX, G.W.: The Crusaders.

       CUTTS, EDWARD LEWES: St. Jerome and St. Augustine.

       DILL, SAMUEL: Roman Society in the Last Century of the Western Empire.

       DRAPER, JOHN WILLIAM: History of the Intellectual Development of Europe.

       DRAKE, AUGUSTA T.: The History of St. Dominic.

       DUGDALE, Sir WILLIAM: Monasticum Anglicanum.

       DURUY, VICTOR: History of Rome.

       ECKENSTEIN, LINA: Woman Under Monasticism.

       EDERSHEIM, ALFRED: The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah.

       ELIOT, SAMUEL: History of Liberty.

       FARRAR, FREDERICK W.: The Early Days of Christianity.

       FOSBROKE, J.D.: British Monachism.

       FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY: History of England.

       FROUDE, JAMES ANTHONY: Short Studies.

       GAIRDNER, JAMES, and SPEDDING, JAMES: Studies in English History.

       GASQUET, FRANCIS A.: Henry VIII. and the English Monasteries.

       GASQUET, FRANCIS A.: The Eve of the Reformation.

       GIBBON, EDWARD: Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.

       GIESELER, J.K.L.: Manual of Church History.

       GNEIST, RUDOLPH: History of the English Constitution.

       GNEIST, RUDOLPH: The English Parliament.

       GREEN, JOHN RICHARD: History of the English People.

       GUÉRANGER, PROSPER: Life of St. Cecilia.

       GUIZOT, F.P.G.: The History of France.

       GUIZOT, F.P.G.: The History of Civilization in Europe.

       HALLAM, HENRY: Europe During the Middle Ages.

       HALLAM, HENRY: Constitutional History of England.

       HALLAM, HENRY: Introduction to the Literature of Europe.

       HARDY, R. SPENCER: Eastern Monasticism.

       HARDWICK, CHARLES: History of the Christian Church in the Middle Ages.

       HARNACK, ADOLF: Monasticism: Its Ideals and Its History: Christian Literature Magazine, 1894–95. HILL, O'DELL T.: English Monasticism: Its Rise and Influence. HUGHES, T.: Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits. HUME, DAVID: The History of England. JAMESON, ANNA: Legends of the Monastic Orders. JESSOPP, AUGUSTUS: The Coming of the Friars. KINGSLEY, CHARLES: The Hermits. KINGSLEY, CHARLES: Hypatia. KINGSLEY, CHARLES: The Roman and the Teuton. LAPPENBERG, J.M.: A History of England Under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. LARNED, J.N.: History for Ready Reference and Topical Reading. LEA HENRY C.: History of the Inquisition in the Middle Ages. LEA, HENRY C.: Sacerdotal Celibacy in the Christian Church. LECKY, WILLIAM E.H.: History of Rationalism in Europe. LECKY, WILLIAM E.H.: History of European Morals. LEE F.G.: The Life of Cardinal Pole. LINGARD, JOHN: History of England. LINGARD, JOHN: History and Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. LORD, JOHN: Beacon-Lights of History. LORD, JOHN: The Old Roman World. LUDLOW, JAMES M.: The Age of the Crusades. MACKINTOSH, JAMES: History of England. MAITLAND, SAMUEL R.: The Dark Ages. MAITLAND, SAMUEL R.: Essays on the Reformation. MATHEWS, SHAILER: Social Teachings of Jesus. MILMAN, HENRY H.: The History of Latin Christianity. MILMAN, HENRY H.: The History of Christianity. MONTALEMBERT, C.F.R.: Monks of the West. MOSHIEM, J.L. VON: Institutes of Ecclesiastical History. NEANDER, AUGUSTUS: General History of the Christian Religion and Church. OLIPHANT, MARY O.W.: Life of St. Francis of Assisi. PARKMAN, FRANCIS: The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. PIKE, LUKE OWEN: A History of Crime in England. PUTNAM, G.H.: Books and Their Makers in the Middle Ages. READE, CHARLES: The Cloister and the Hearth. RUFFNER, H.: The Fathers of the Desert. SABATIER, PAUL: Life of St. Francis of Assisi. SCHAFF, PHILIP: History of the Christian Church. SCHAFF, PHILIP, and WACE, HENRY, (Editors): The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church. (Lives and writings of Jerome, Athanasius, Cassian, St. Martin of Tours, and other early supporters of the monastic movement). SCOTT, WALTER: The Monastery. SCOTT, WALTER: The Abbot. SIENKIEWICZ, HENRY K.: The Knights of the Cross. SMITH, PHILIP: Student's Ecclesiastical History. SMITH, R.F.: St. Basil. STANLEY, ARTHUR P.: History of the Eastern Church. STILLÉ, CHARLES J.: Studies in Medieval History. STORRS, RICHARD S.: Bernard of Clairvaux. STRYPE, J.: Annals of the Reformation. STUBBS, WILLIAM: Lectures on the Study of Medieval History. TAUNTON, ETHELRED L.: The English Black Monks of St. Benedict. THOMPSON, R.W.: The Footprints of the

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