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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_027b802b-af00-547f-a7af-3b6a6dcacb9f">Chap. XI. How Sebbi, king of the same province, ended his life in a monastery. [694 a.d. ]
Chap. XII. How Haedde succeeded Leutherius in the bishopric of the West Saxons; how Cuichelm succeeded Putta in the bishopric of the church of Rochester, and was himself succeeded by Gebmund; and who were then bishops of the Northumbrians. [673-681 a.d. ]
Chap. XIII. How Bishop Wilfrid converted the province of the South Saxons to Christ. [681 a.d. ]
Chap. XIV. How a pestilence ceased through the intercession of King Oswald. [681-686 a.d. ]
Chap. XV. How King Caedwalla, king of the Gewissae, having slain Ethelwalch, wasted that Province with cruel slaughter and devastation. [685 a.d. ]
Chap. XVI. How the Isle of Wight received Christian inhabitants, and two royal youths of that island were killed immediately after Baptism. [686 a.d. ]
Chap. XVII. Of the Synod held in the plain of Haethfelth, Archbishop Theodore being president. [680 a.d. ]
Chap. XVIII. Of John, the precentor of the Apostolic see, who came into Britain to teach. [680 a.d. ]
Chap. XIX. How Queen Ethelthryth always preserved her virginity, and her body suffered no corruption in the grave. [660-696 a.d. ]
Chap. XX. A Hymn concerning her.
Chap. XXI. How Bishop Theodore made peace between the kings Egfrid and Ethelred. [679 a.d. ]
Chap. XXII. How a certain captive's chains fell off when Masses were sung for him. [679 a.d. ]
Chap. XXIII. Of the life and death of the Abbess Hilda. [614-680 a.d. ]
Chap. XXIV. That there was in her monastery a brother, on whom the gift of song was bestowed by Heaven. 709 [680 a.d. ]
Chap. XXV. Of the vision that appeared to a certain man of God before the monastery of the city Coludi was burned down.
Chap. XXVI. Of the death of the Kings Egfrid and Hlothere. [684-685 a.d. ]
Chap. XXVII. How Cuthbert, a man of God, was made bishop; and how he lived and taught whilst still in the monastic life. [685 a.d. ]
Chap. XXVIII. How the same St. Cuthbert, living the life of an Anchorite, by his prayers obtained a spring in a dry soil, and had a crop from seed sown by the labour of his hands out of season. [676 a.d. ]
Chap. XXIX. How this bishop foretold that his own death was at hand to the anchorite Herebert. [687 a.d. ]
Chap. XXX. How his body was found altogether uncorrupted after it had been buried eleven years; and how his successor in the bishopric departed this world not long after. [698 a.d. ]
Chap. XXXI. Of one that was cured of a palsy at his tomb.
Chap. XXXII. Of one who was lately cured of a disease in his eye at the relics of St. Cuthbert.
Book V
Chap. I. How Ethelwald, successor to Cuthbert, leading a hermit's life, calmed a tempest by his prayers when the brethren were in danger at sea. [687-699 a.d. ]
Chap. II. How Bishop John cured a dumb man by his blessing. [687 a.d. ]
Chap. III. How he healed a sick maiden by his prayers. [705 a.d. ]
Chap. IV. How he healed a thegn's wife that was sick, with holy water.
Chap. V. How he likewise recalled by his prayers a thegn's servant from death.
Chap. VI. How, both by his prayers and blessing, he recalled from death one of his clerks, who had bruised himself by a fall.
Chap. VII. How Caedwalla, king of the West Saxons, went to Rome to be baptized; and his successor Ini, also devoutly journeyed to the same threshold of the holy Apostles. [688 a.d. ]
Chap. VIII. How, when Archbishop Theodore died, Bertwald succeeded him as archbishop, and, among many others whom he ordained, he made the learned Tobias bishop of the church of Rochester. [690 a.d. ]
Chap. IX. How the holy man, Egbert, would have gone into Germany to preach, but could not; and how Wictbert went, but because he availed nothing, returned into Ireland, whence he came. [Circ. 688 a.d. ]
Chap. X. How Wilbrord, preaching in Frisland, converted many to Christ; and how his two companions, the Hewalds, suffered martyrdom. [690 a.d. ]
Chap. XI. How the venerable Suidbert in Britain, and Wilbrord at Rome, were ordained bishops for Frisland. [692 a.d. ]
Chap. XII. How one in the province of the Northumbrians, rose from the dead, and related many things which he had seen, some to be greatly dreaded and some to be desired. [Circ. 696 a.d. ]
Chap. XIII. How another contrarywise before his death saw a book containing his sins, which was shown him by devils. [704-709 a.d. ]
Chap. XIV. How another in like manner, being at the point of death, saw the place of punishment appointed for him in Hell.
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