The Gospel of The Restoration of All Things. Tim Hodge
with the Apostles. But the one thing they all had in common was that not everyone would be saved and that most people would end up in the eternal conscious torment of hell!
I began thinking ‘how could this be a Gospel at all?’ After all, the word ‘Gospel’ means ‘good news’ and it seemed really bad news that most people would be lost and end up in hell.
When I asked my Evangelical friends why God created people knowing that they would reject him and end up in hell, I got many trite answers but most just said ‘we can’t know all about God and we have to just leave these things with him.’ But this didn’t satisfy me, and gradually I started to realise that this Gospel (in its various forms) was fundamentally flawed and was a perversion of the original Gospel as revealed in the Bible.
Firstly, I began researching the word ‘hell’, and quickly came to realise that it didn’t mean what traditionalists had said it meant. I also discovered, from the Bible, that hell was not eternal.
It then dawned on me that not only was the fall of man universal but that every person had become a sinner not by his own choice but by being physically descended from Adam.
I then realised that, just as the work of Adam was universal, so the work of Christ was universal and that Jesus had died not just for Christians but for the sins of the whole world, and Paul in his letters seemed to compare the two, showing that the work of Christ undoes the work of Adam.
‘Consequently just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people.’
(Rom 5 v 18 – NIV)
My Evangelical friends said ‘yes, Jesus did die for the sins of the whole world, but it needs personal faith to appropriate that salvation and most will never believe.’
Then I read:
‘At the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those in heaven, of those on earth and those under the earth. And that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.’
(Phil 2 v 10-11 NASV)
They then told me that ‘Yes, they will bow and confess, but it will be too late to be saved, there is no chance for people after they die.’ This seemed to be contradicted by Paul who said in Romans that death does not separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8 v 38-39) and Peter tells us that the Gospel was preached also to those who are dead, that although their bodies were punished with death they could still live in the spirit as God lives (1 Peter 4 v 6 Living Bible).
I then realised that the words ‘eternal’ and ‘forever’, and the phrase ‘forever and ever’, were in many instances mistranslations from the Greek word ‘aion’, meaning ‘age’, ‘aions’ meaning ‘ages’ and ‘the aions of the aions’ meaning ‘the ages of the ages’. I found that even in English the words ‘eternal’ and ‘forever’ were used in the Bible for things that clearly come to an end. Why not judgement?
I then realised that the word ‘things’ in scripture is used of people or ‘beings’ both human and angelic and not just of inanimate objects, and that ultimately ‘all things’ would be reconciled to God through the work of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world.
I also discovered that:
‘In the dispensation of the fullness of time he would gather together in one all things in Christ. Whether it be things in heaven or things on earth even in him.’
(Eph 1 v 10)
There are many other areas and doctrines within Christianity that I’ve come to realise are false as the Lord has been opening up the scriptures to me, and that God’s love is much more universal than traditional Christianity would have us believe.
In the chapters that follow, I outline what I’ve discovered and commend to you the Gospel that was once delivered to the Saints - ‘The Gospel of the Restoration of all Things!’
Sometimes in this book I will use the word ‘Universalism’ instead of ‘the Restoration of all Things’. The word Universalism is not in the Bible, but nevertheless it perfectly conveys the same meaning, so I will be using the words interchangeably.
I firmly believe that the Gospel of the Restoration of All Things, the teaching that ultimately every human being that has ever lived, is living or will live in the future will be saved and re-united with God, is the original Gospel (or Good News) taught in the Bible.
We have to understand that there are different versions of Universalism out there, with many liberal Christians saying that all people will obviously be saved because God is love and would not judge anyone, but in this book I base the teaching on a literal interpretation of scripture.
I have also used many Bible quotes because I want the scriptures to speak for themselves on these issues.
My aim in writing this book is to persuade Evangelical Christians, who are firm Bible believers, that the Bible doesn’t teach everything they have been taught about the destiny of unbelievers and to see that the work of Christ is much more universal than they’ve realised and to encourage them to question traditional orthodox teaching.
I also want to appeal to liberal Christians, many of whom have rejected much of the Bible because of the Orthodox teachings on hell and judgement, and non-Christians to show them that the Bible reveals a God who loves the world so much that he sent his only begotten Son to be the saviour of the entire world and that God’s judgement and his love work together in a beautiful harmony.
Many Christians will disagree with what I’ve written and many will call it ‘heresy’ but no matter.
‘What I have written, I have written.’
(John 19 v 22)
I hope that readers will be like the Bereans in Acts 17 who searched the scriptures to see if what I’ve written conforms with the Bible.
I hope and pray that this book will encourage Evangelical Christians, inspire liberal Christians to return to the Bible and bring non-Christians to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ who is the saviour of all men (especially those who believe) and has a good plan for them and his whole creation.
As we saw at the beginning of the book, this Gospel was preached by the apostle Peter in the book of Acts Ch 3 v 19-21.
‘Repent therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send Jesus Christ who was preached to you before whom heaven must receive and retain until the time comes of the restoration of all things which God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began.’
(Acts 3 v 19-21)
It is important to realise that the word ‘restoration’ has the prefix ‘re’ at the beginning, meaning a ‘restoring back’ to an original condition that we had before we were separated from God, before we were lost and needed saving. But it is the last section of this passage I want to concentrate on in this chapter, that this Gospel of the restoration of all things was spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began. I will be doing an overview, going right back to the book of Genesis, through the old testament, through the new testament, and showing that this Gospel has always been taught and believed despite the Jews and the Church trying to shut it down.
It is important to begin with, for us to understand the little word ‘things’ as it is used in scripture, Peter talks about the restoration of all ‘things’.
The word ‘things’ in scripture means ‘beings’, human and angelic. We in modern English tend to use the word ‘things’ to mean inanimate objects such as rocks and trees, and feel it’s somehow