Football for Player and Spectator. Fielding Yost

Football for Player and Spectator - Fielding Yost

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Drake Stadium, Des Moines, Iowa, 1904.

      Had the kick missed, a touchback would have resulted, which would have entitled the home team to the ball. It would then have been brought out 25 yards and there kicked again, but back toward the enemy's goal, in order to place it in play again.

      It is a great game, and the remainder of the 35 minutes in the first half--for the teams are playing the full length of time allowed by the rules--sees neither team gaining a perceptible advantage, although the school for whose victory the majority of the big crowd is praying is undoubtedly the better on the line of scrimmage. The presence of so fine a kicker on the enemy's eleven makes the contest still doubtful, although he will have to sacrifice some of his accuracy and distance in the half that is coming on account of the change in goals, which will make it necessary for him to kick against the wind.

      It is plainly evident in the opening minutes of the second half, after the ten-minute rest is over, that our captain believes he has discovered the enemy's real weakness. Right tackle seems the destination of more than half the plays which our men start, and they gain steadily. From the kick-off the ball is taken straight up the field, the backs handling the oval cleanly and the interference being well nigh perfect. The tackle who is bearing the brunt of the terrific attack lies prostrate on the ground after every play and is plainly weakening under the human bombardment. On his own 30-yard line the visitors' captain calls a halt. With tears in his eyes and sobbing like a little child, the unfortunate tackle wraps a blanket about him and is guided off the field, while a substitute, wild with joy at his chance, rushes in to take his phace.

      But the recruit is the possessor of a zeal that is dangerous. Before our center snaps the ball the new tackle charges and meets the ball behind our line. He tackles the runner and throws him for a loss, but the eagle eye of the umpire has seen the infraction of the rules, for no player of either side may cross the scrimmage line before the ball is snapped. The umpire takes the ball in hand and paces off five yards toward the enemy's goal, giving us the ball again. The off-side play was a costly one.

      Steadily we approach their goal line once more and their defense, while futile, increases in desperation. Our full back plunges through the line and emerges squarely in front of the defensive quarter. The visitor forgets himself in the frenzy of defeat that seems certain, and his clenched fist shoots home. The blow was covertly given but the umpire is there to see such things. There is another distance penalty and the young man guilty of the slugging is sent from the game, while both sides cheer the decision. Foul play has no part in clean football.

      With the further weakening of the visiting eleven there is no chance for them longer to hope to win the game. Over and through them the plays travel regularly. Every formation plunges into the line. Our resourceful captain's plan of attack is just versatile enough to prevent anticipation, while still maintaining a uniformity that invariably yields results. From two to four yards and even more are gained on almost every down. Still the bombardment of that line with those missiles of human brawn continues.

      The enemy's ends keep drawing closer to the main body, to relieve their harassed comrades. Suddenly that close formation in which our backs have been playing melts into a thin line that charges widely around in a sweeping circle. The little quarter back takes the ball from the center and this time hugs it to his own breast, scudding along without passing it. It is the direct pass run and it has been signalled at just the proper moment. Behind his flying rampart the quarter back speeds safely along. His interference carries him past everybody but the opposing full back, for the play has caught the enemy's ends out of their places. It is a tackle or a touchdown now, for this is the last line of defense.

      The full back leaps forward to make the tackle and just as he plunges, the runner rises in air as if to heap an obstruction. The tackler is cleanly cleared in a spectacular manner and, with the cheers of the thousands deafening his ears, the runner crosses the line for a touchdown and five points more, after a thrilling run.

      But the goal line was crossed far from the posts which mark the middle and an attempt to kick goal from the angle which results along such a perpendicular would be hazardous. Accordingly a punt-out is decided on.

      In front of the goal and 10 to 20 yards from it, a half dozen of our men line up, while the full back stands, the ball in hand, right where the runner crossed the goal line. The full back punts the ball right into the midst of his comrades and the enemy charges, but all too late. One of the half backs has caught the punt and heeled it, making the place kick possible. The added point from the goal kick which follows is easily secured.

      With the score 12 to 4 in our favor it seems certain that the game cannot now result in a defeat in the 15 minutes that remain to be played.

      West Point Field, Parade Grounds, 1904.

      The side whose goal line has been crossed has the kick off, of course. Again we start our march toward their goal, far up the field. It is still a fight, every inch of it, but the visitors are playing now solely to save the name of their Alma Mater from disgrace. Defeat is certain, but the spirit of the team inspires its men to keep playing the game with a zeal that cannot but rouse our admiration. Occasionally their brace gives them possession of the ball and once their feared, fleet runner brings back a punt for a thrilling dash of 30 yards, but he cannot play the whole game alone to a successful conclusion.

      Forgetful of the sting of defeat which may be ours some day, the great crowd still cheers every play. From across the field a loyal encouragement is still given by the visitors to their beaten team. The hopes of months are going down to defeat, but the men who are beaten have done their best and, when the final whistle is blown and the game is over, the players of each team gather close together and cheer each other after the style of true sportsmen who have tested each others' mettle with mutual respect.

      Let us start homeward. It is time for us to prepare for the festivities of the evening. There will be lively times around the old campus tonight.

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